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Coronavirus explodes in Gilroy’s nursing home, killing 12 residents: “Aunt needs to be kicked out of it”


Twelve residents of Gilroy’s skilled nursing home died of COVID-19 and 75 were tested positive for coronavirus, home officials said Thursday.

According to a family member of a deceased resident, the 134-bed Gilroy Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center began accepting COVID-19 patients from the hospital in August.

The number of cases after transfer and the number of cases before transfer are unknown. Of the 75 patients infected with the virus, 63 recovered, according to the document. Post The website of Covenant Care, a Southern California company that operates Gilroy facilities.

Also, it was not immediately clear how many COVID-19 patients were transferred from the hospital or from which hospital. Transferring COVID patients to nursing homes is controversial but state-approved..

According to Santa Clara County, unless the COVID-19 test result is negative, patients transferred from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility will be placed in the observation unit until 14 days have passed or until the COVID-19 test result is negative. You can put it in. I will receive it.

According to the center, 54 staff members of the facility were also positive for coronavirus, and 53 of them recovered.

Skilled nursing homes are hotbeds for coronavirus outbreaks throughout the state. According to the state, 26,647 nursing home residents have been virus-positive and 4,591 have died since the outbreak of the pandemic. data As of Wednesday. This represents about 27% of all coronavirus deaths in California.

The Gilroy facility was cited by state health regulators three times in June, July and August for failing to report COVID-19 survey data.According to the state, “COVID19 outbreak due to incomplete data reported to (state).” Failure could compromise the health and safety of the population. Quote Published by the state in August. The center was fined $ 1,000.

Gilroy Healthcare and Covenant Care did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Thursday.

In a statement posted online, the center stated that it was conducting regular tests of residents and staff and created a special monitoring unit within the facility to accept new permits. There, patients can be quarantined, tested, and closely monitored for virus-related symptoms before being assigned to a standard room.

Daisy Matus, 94, lived in the facility and died of COVID-19 in September, said her niece Debbie Tims. My niece first learned that it could happen at the facility on the social media neighborhood website Nextdoor.

She began tracking the number of infections and deaths in nursing homes on the Covenant Care website. Panic began when she saw the numbers surge, she said.

On September 19, Tims said a staff member called him that Matus was infected with the coronavirus. Tims said he hurriedly called civil servants and local leaders and desperately tried to move his aunt to another facility.

“I didn’t know who to go … I was just grabbing a straw,” Tims said. “I thought,’I need to get my aunt out of it.'”

Tims said he had created accommodation to move Matus to Hollister’s nursing home. But she died on September 27th.

Tims said he had sent an email from the hospital asking if he had accepted a sick patient to the Nursing Home Secretary-General. “He sent me an email back and said’yes’,” Tims told Chronicle Thursday.

Tims said he was dissatisfied with the lack of contact from the nursing home.

“The only thing I’ve heard back several times is that I’m following the state and county protocols,” she said.

Tatiana Sanchez and Catherine Ho are staff writers at the San Francisco Chronicle. Email: [email protected] [email protected] @TatianaYSanchez

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