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“Fighting Opportunities”: Barry, Ontario, man recovers from coronavirus after receiving life support


A 41-year-old man from Barry, Ontario, diagnosed with COVID-19 He recovered at home after receiving life support at a local hospital.

Rene Segura began experiencing shortness of breath on March 18, but initially did not think it was a new coronavirus.

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“On March 10, he had a very slight headache, which was prolonged but slight and had sleep problems,” said Rene’s wife, Tracy Segura, on Wednesday on Global News.

“At the moment, I had no idea about COVID.”

Tracy advised Rene to stay home, but by March 18, his condition had changed dramatically and he had difficulty breathing. The next morning he got up early and went to the evaluation center, where he checked his blood pressure and heart rate.

According to Tracy, he was eventually told to catch a cold and go home.

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“I was worried,” Tracy told Global News. The next morning, on March 20, the two went to the Royal Victoria Regional Health Center (RVH), but Tracy was unable to pass the lobby.

I only had to tear myself from him, and it didn’t cost me much just to go with him, “she said. “

“I’ve been away from him for so long for the first time in 18 years. We work together, live together, do everything together. It was the hardest part to be with him.”

When René entered the hospital, Tracy said he was given a respirator. He was also wiped into the room, where he was connected to a ventilator.

“They called us and told us that he had to have an emergency intubation before he got worse. They now want to intubate him and put him on life support Tracy said.

“Thankfully they’ve recovered since he took him off.”

Rene learned about a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 only after waking up from sedation.

“I saw it in the news,” René said. “I don’t want to say I was scared, but I knew it was enough to know that it would attack the elderly. I just saw” I’m connected to many machines now. ” “

Rene and Tracy have not traveled recently and have no idea how Rene acquired the virus. He also has no pre-existing health conditions.

“The word COVID was horrible to me,” said Tracy, adding that her doctor reassured her that Rene was young and had no fundamental health problems.

“He said,” All I can tell you is to hold on to those things, “Tracy added. “” He has a chance to fight because he is young and healthy. “

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René returned to his family home on Tuesday, and his family’s self-isolation period ends on Friday.

“All my family tested negatively … so at that point we can go,” said Tracy.

“Isolation is not a problem for us, but I want to be conservative at this point. I don’t want to take anything else into my house, so I don’t really want to go one step further.”

The couple owns a local cafe “Creative Bean” which is closed for the time being. The mom and pop store combines both René and Tracy’s dreams.

“I’m creative, he’s a bean,” Tracy said.

There are costs to pay while their stores are closed, but according to Tracy, she and Rene are not eligible for the government grants offered.

“The 75 percent wages they have are subsidized … that doesn’t mean anything to me,” Tracy said.

“What does it do for me because we have no salary? Then a $ 40,000 loan—well, first of all, it will be difficult to repay. Second, to qualify Requires around $ 50,000 in salary in 2019. “

Tracy said that he was looking forward to seeing Rene recovering completely and returning to the cafe.

“Through all of this, we remain positive,” Rene said. “It is a terrible time in our lives we are experiencing, but we must be positive.”

Simcoe Muskoka has confirmed 62 confirmed cases of new coronaviruses, including four deaths. As of Wednesday night, Ontario reported 2,392 confirmed COVID-19 cases.

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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