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Coronavirus test swab snaps off in a woman’s lungs after being inserted into the respiratory tract


The cotton swab used for the test Coronavirus Broken inside the woman’s lungs after being inserted into Respiratory tract On her neck.If you do, you can see a video of that discovery below Really Want to:

An unnamed 51-year-old patient underwent regular examinations. Virus To hospital At the time of the accident, I recently had a tracheostomy. In the meantime, cut a tube in your throat, not through your nose or mouth, to help breathe.

MailOnline The woman reports that she was tested by a nurse who inserted a coronavirus swab (usually behind the nose and throat) into her neck hole.

The reason behind this was that the virus wasn’t there because the woman wasn’t using her nose and mouth.

Credits: BMJ Case Journal / University Hospitals Leicester
Credits: BMJ Case Journal / University Hospitals Leicester

However, a cotton swab that could be snapped into the test tube after use broke the hole in the neck and then got caught in the woman’s lungs.

Dr. Mohammed Hussein, who was tasked with addressing a problem at the Leicester NHS Trust University Hospital, said: The airway in the neck and the potential pitfalls that accompany it. ”

The ends of the swabs were not completely visible on both x-rays and CT scans, but doctors could clearly see the swelling of the woman’s right lung.

Credits: BMJ Case Journal / University Hospitals Leicester
Credits: BMJ Case Journal / University Hospitals Leicester

After inserting the camera into the hole for investigation, they found a cotton swab stuck in her airway and were finally able to remove it by performing a bronchoscopy.

Healthcare professionals are now trying to raise awareness among their peers about the risk of cotton swabs breaking during use in vulnerable patients, especially those who have had a tracheostomy.

In this case, the woman recently had surgery to remove a fragment of the skull due to another unrelated illness and had to make a tracheostomy to help breathe.

She underwent a Covid-19 test before being discharged to the care home. This is the standard way to prevent cross-contamination between the two settings.

Credits: BMJ Case Journal / University Hospitals Leicester
Credits: BMJ Case Journal / University Hospitals Leicester

In the journal BMJ case report, The doctor wrote: “During sampling, a part of the swab stylet broke and accidentally fell from the tracheostomy site.

“First CT imaging showed no signs of a foreign body, but was reported to show some inflammatory changes. [swelling]..

“Bedside flexible endoscopy through the tracheostomy revealed a cotton swab in the right lobe bronchus, which was subsequently removed by flexible bronchoscopy.”

Dr. Hussein added: “The above cases highlight the potential danger of removing a mucosal swab from the tracheostomy site.

“There is growing concern about SARS-CoV-2, and wearing complete personal protective equipment increases the likelihood of human error.”


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