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Trend clinical topics: herd immunity

Trend clinical topics: herd immunity



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Although the term is More than a century agoHerd immunity is the most trending clinical topic of the week. Also called community or herd immunity, The phrase explains It is unlikely that there will be enough resistance to the disease that spreads to a sufficient number of people. At that point, the entire community, including non-immune people, is considered protected.

Late September, Anthony Fauci, MD, Replaced hot We talked with Senator Rand Paul about whether restrictive social isolation measures in the United States were actually harmful in ending the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul pointed out Sweden, which did not take any blockades or other important measures to control the spread of the coronavirus in the hope of achieving herd immunity. Fauci replied that Sweden’s mortality rate is much worse than that of other comparable countries.

In fact, Sweden’s mortality rate was 57.64 per 100,000 as of September 23, much higher than Denmark’s 11.06 per 100,000, Norway’s 5.02 and Finland’s 6.18. According to mortality analysis Performed by Johns Hopkins.Findings suggest that Sweden still has Not yet achieved herd immunity And it’s not always very close to doing so. According to Forch, who told Paul that New York wasn’t, the city’s immunity is estimated to be about 22%, “if you believe 22% is herd immunity, you’re one of them. I believe in it, “he added.

The exact proportion of the population required to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19 is believed to be less than 94% required for highly contagious diseases such as measles (see infographic below). ). The most common means of achieving community protection is vaccination, not widespread illness. Experts, to pursue herd immunity without vaccines, Mass deadIf such things are even Totally possible..Report of reinfection combined with studies showing Lack of protective antibody It suggests that “running the course” of the disease after COVID-19 infection does not always provide the desired results.

Dr. Caitlin M. Rivers, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, described a recent episode specific to the United States. Medicine and machinery Podcast “We are far from herd immunity.” “It’s not time to give up on our controls, now as important as March,” Rivers said, even in places around the world where the virus is rampant.

Frustration with COVID-19 and its associated restrictions most desires a quick end to the pandemic. This may explain the recent rise in interest in herd immunity, even if it may not be possible to achieve such a thing in the near future.


Read more about the epidemiology of COVID-19..


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