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Rome Memorial Hospital Recognized as Leader in Hereditary Cancer Risk Screening


More than 12,000 women have been screened for their personal risk of developing breast cancer since the Women’s Imaging Center at the Roman Memorial Hospital began offering hereditary cancer risk assessments as part of a personalized breast care program.

Everyone undergoing breast imaging at the Rome Memorial Hospital is required to fill out a screening questionnaire to identify potential clinically-risk candidates for genetic testing. Risk assessment allows you to make individual recommendations for more frequent mammograms and early detection programs, including additional screening methods such as MRI and ultrasound, to detect cancer early.

“Our risk screening program allows us to truly provide women with individualized recommendations based on their personal and family history,” said Radiology, president of the Medical Imaging Center at the Roman Memorial Hospital. Dr. John Restivo, a radiologist, said. “Based on screening, we can provide women with higher risk access to genetic testing that screens for 35 genetic mutations that affect the genetic risk of eight cancers.”

Since the program was implemented, more than 1,600 women have undergone genetic testing to screen for breast, ovarian, gastric, colorectal, pancreatic, melanoma, prostate and endometrial cancers. I have. According to Leigh Loughran, director of personalized medicine programs, 84 of these have been identified as having one or more gene mutations and another 448 have been identified as negative, but at increased risk of cancer. .. Women with certain genetic mutations can have an up to 87% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.

“Knowing the results of genetic testing can affect care management plans for the entire family, siblings, cousins, children, and grandchildren,” said Dr. Restivo. “It’s a tragedy for a woman to survive breast cancer and later die of ovarian cancer. It could have been prevented if she had been genetically tested and offered options.”

“In the general population, about 12% of women develop breast cancer, but women with identified individual and family risk factors, especially those with genetic mutations, are at very high risk, so another care plan. You have to think in a way, “Restivo said. “We can use that information to provide women with individual recommendations such as more frequent mammograms and breast MRIs, so we can detect breast cancer earlier.”

A few years ago, actress Angelina Jolie publicly announced her decision to undergo preventive surgery to remove her breasts and ovaries to reduce her risk of cancer after discovering that she had a genetic mutation that puts her at high risk. I shared it.

“Every woman can make different decisions, but a thorough hereditary cancer risk assessment can give women the information they need to discuss their options with their healthcare provider or experienced genetic counselor. You can, “said Dr. Restivo.

Even in the absence of genetic mutations, the National Cancer Network and the American Cancer Society recommend that women with a lifetime breast cancer risk of 20% or higher should be considered for annual breast MRI in addition to mammograms.

“Advances in clinical risk screening and genetics can be proactive in saving lives by providing tools to predict who is likely to develop cancer,” said Dr. Restivo.

The Women’s Imaging Center at the Rome Memorial Hospital is designated as the Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. The hospital has earned an honorable achievement by accrediting the American College of Radiology (ACR) for mammography, stereotactic breast biopsy, breast ultrasound (including ultrasound-guided breast biopsy), and breast MRI. did.

“We are passionate about providing the best care for our communities. Advanced imaging techniques, clinical expertise, genetic risk screening, genetic counseling, and breast navigator support in a comprehensive program. There is no other breast center in the region to integrate, “says Dr. Restivo.

For more information on the Hereditary Cancer Risk Screening Program and the Women’s Imaging Center at the Rome Memorial Hospital, please contact Operations Manager Leigh Loughran (315-338-7577).


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