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Trauma: Heal your mind and body inside out | Freedom

Trauma: Heal your mind and body inside out | Freedom


Editor’s Note: This is the second in a one-month series on mental health. In this week’s feature, we’ll talk about trauma.

What is trauma?

Trauma is an emotional reaction after a horrifying, amazing, or life-threatening event. It carries risks to your physical and emotional safety and well-being. Trauma can be physical (surviving war, physical or sexual abuse, car accidents, natural disasters) or emotional (witnessing intense sadness, horrific events that threaten someone to kill you).

What is the type of trauma?

Acute trauma: This is the result of a single stressful or dangerous event.

Chronic trauma: It is the result of repeated and prolonged exposure to highly stressful events (child abuse, war, bullying, domestic violence).

Complex trauma: It can develop after being exposed to multiple traumatic events.

Secondary trauma or compensatory trauma: This is the result of hearing about a traumatic event or has a significant relationship with the person affected by the trauma (therapist, nurse or other health care worker, police officer). It is a type of trauma that occurs as a result. ..

How many people experience trauma?

It is estimated that 60-75% of North Americans are experiencing traumatic events at some point.

How can I tell if I have trauma symptoms?

Trauma varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience emotional outbursts, find it difficult to deal with their feelings, or move away from others around them. Others experience flashbacks that feel like they are relived traumatic events or have nightmares. A person can experience hyperawakening. This is when someone feels awake at all times, making it difficult to experience a sense of calm with sleep disorders. The symptoms of trauma are experienced both physically and mentally.

Emotional symptoms: Anger, fear, sadness, shame, confusion, anxiety, depression, irritability, poor concentration / concentration, disconnection or numbness, guilt, despair.

Physical symptoms: Insomnia and nightmares, tiredness, startle, poor concentration, heartbeat pain and pain, muscle tension, headache, upset stomach.

Why is there such a strong connection between the emotional mind and the body?

The nervous system in our brain is designed to allow us to feel affection, affection, safety, etc. around others. However, when danger is detected, other parts of the nervous system (brain) kick and control the “fight or flight” response, or the response that shuts down and saves energy. The brain reacts in a protective way. These areas of the brain may also control digestion, heart rate, and more. Therefore, when they take action, your body works differently because it simultaneously affects the areas of the brain involved in thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. However, just because someone has been traumatized does not mean that they have health problems.

What determines who experiences short-term or long-term traumatic symptoms:

The good news is that not everyone who experiences a stressful event develops the symptoms of trauma. The factors that determine the effects of trauma are: Presence of other mental health conditions, previous exposure to traumatic events, event types and characteristics, human background and approach for handling emotions, available resources and support systems, and predisposition elasticity thing.

What is resilience?

Resilience is a psychological property that allows some people to be overwhelmed by the adversity of life and at least return as strongly as before. For example, maintaining optimistic abilities has been shown to help mitigate the effects of stress on the mind and body following a stressful experience. Other factors that determine resilience are genetics, childhood experience, and a break from the negative thought cycle.

How can I deal with it?

Practicing self-care helps individuals deal with both the emotional and physical symptoms of trauma. Exercise, mindfulness, connection with others, and a strong support system are key factors in coping in a healthy way. A balanced lifestyle is also important. This includes 7-9 hours of sleep at night, a balanced diet, avoidance of alcohol and drugs, and stress relief through fun activities.

Professional intervention is often required to help those affected by the trauma. Therapy is the first-line treatment for trauma. Ideally, you should work with a trauma-savvy or trauma-focused therapist. Medications alone cannot “cure” trauma, but they can help manage symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Medication combined with treatment is known to be a successful treatment model.

CrossWinds Counselling and Wellness has trained trauma professionals on staff available to assist you and your loved ones. It’s important to know that you’re not alone, and we can help. To request a reservation, please call 620-343-2211.You can learn more about our service


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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