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Tobacco is used as a key ingredient in some coronavirus vaccines

Tobacco is used as a key ingredient in some coronavirus vaccines


Tobacco plant is used as an important ingredient in development by some pharmaceutical companies Coronavirus vaccine.

Throughout history, indigenous peoples of North America and Alaska have worshiped tobacco plants for use in medical practice, in addition to using them in spiritual rituals.But in recent years, this plant has been badly named for the use of one tobacco strain called Nicothiana Tabakam To make tobacco.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this particular strain is one of at least 70 known tobacco strains, killing more than 480,000 people annually.

Two North American biotechnology companies currently developing coronavirus vaccines are using a strain called, which could put the plant in the slightly positive limelight. Nicothiana Bensamiana As a biofactory for producing important proteins from coronaviruses that can be used in vaccines, NPR reports. The two companies are Kentucky Bioprocessing (KBP) and Canada-based Medicago.

“There’s a clear irony there,” said James Figurer, Executive Vice President of Research and Development at RJ Reynolds Tobacco. Reynolds owns KBP.

“If you want to be cynical about it, you can,” Figler said. “But we tend to think of it as the end of the day. The tobacco plant itself is still just a plant.”

According to the CDC, the vaccine works by mimicking an infection, convincing the immune system that it has been exposed to a pathogen, and causing the immune system to produce T lymphocytes and antibodies.

There are multiple ways to do this. One of them is to introduce something into the immune system that looks like a virus but is not infectious. This approach is used by Kentucky Bioprocessing.

The process begins with harvesting 25-day-old plants grown in the greenhouse. Workers then infect the plant by immersing it in a solution containing a microorganism called Agrobacterium. Bacteria have been modified to include instructions for making proteins from the coronavirus taken up by soaked tobacco plants, According to NPR..

Seven days after the plant is infected by the soaking process, it goes through an extraction and purification process.

“At the end of the cycle, we have 99.9 percent pure protein,” KBP President Hugh Haydon told NPR.

Another set of plants produces small particles for packaging viral proteins. Both separately manufactured and packaged components then chemically adhere.

The final product, which can be injected into humans as a vaccine, is expected to stimulate an immune response that would theoretically protect someone from death from the coronavirus.

“For all intents and purposes, it looks like a virus,” says Bruce Clark, CEO of Medicago. When presented to the body, the immune system produces a response to the virus without infecting humans due to a lack of genetic material.

“So when it appears in the body, it looks like a virus and produces a reaction, but it has no genetic material inside,” so it can’t really infect anyone, Clark said. Said.

Medicago We have already begun testing vaccine candidates in humans. Medicago executives said in early October that the results of Phase 1 trials of the potential vaccine were expected by mid-Month.

According to KBP, one of the advantages of vaccines is that they can be stored at room temperature, unlike traditional vaccines, which often require refrigeration, which is a major advantage over other vaccines.

KBP is a unit that develops vaccines for British American Tobacco BATS.L, a manufacturer of dunhill and Lucky Strike cigarettes. They announced that they had begun manufacturing the vaccine in April and announced that they would work with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the UK health authorities to bring the vaccine to clinical trials as soon as possible in the next step. did.

“We believe we have made great strides in the tobacco plant technology platform and are ready to work with the government and all stakeholders to win the battle against COVID-19,” said BAT’s scientific research. Director David O’Reilly said. Said in a statement.

KBP was mentioned a few years ago that it worked with California-based Map Biopharmaceuticals to create an effective treatment for Ebola called ZMapp.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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