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Kentucky Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Program | Coronavirus News


Frankfort, Kentucky — Kentucky officials expect the first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine to be delivered to the Commonwealth from the US Department of Health and the Department of Defense later this year or early next year.

However, Kentucky Public Health Commissioner Dr. Stephen Stack said the supply was initially limited and it is expected that it will take at least a year to distribute the vaccine to 4.4 million Kentucky citizens.

The Kentucky Health and Family Services Cabinet has announced a draft plan to distribute the vaccine on Friday. In a news release, the Cabinet said the plan submitted to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was a step-by-step approach. Stack said the expectation that supply was initially limited was the reason for its step-by-step approach.

“The first phase of the plan will help ensure that the most at-risk people, certain health care workers and first responders, are vaccinated,” Stack said in a statement. Said. “This plan will address immunization of these essential workers in all counties throughout the federation.”

“As the supply of vaccines increases, it is expected that all Kentucky citizens will have access,” he added.

In the draft plan, the second phase, which is included in the first phase, makes the vaccine accessible to members of a significant population that has not yet been vaccinated, expands efforts to reach the general public, and vaccines. It states that it will focus on expanding its network of providers. The third stage focuses on the equitable distribution of vaccines throughout the state’s population.

Governor Andy Beshear also issued a statement on the plan, saying it was in line with the federal plan.

“The federal government has provided a detailed plan on how the state will distribute the vaccine after all safety trials have been completed, and the federal plan closely mimics their recommendations,” Bescher said. It was. “Protecting the health and life of Kentucky families remains our number one priority when we fight COVID-19 and the vaccine arrives.”

Eric Friedlander, Secretary-General of the Health and Safety Service Cabinet, said the vaccine would bring the state’s economy back to normal before the pandemic, including “traditional classroom education, full-scale business operations, social activities, etc.” Said that it was “essential”.

“It’s also important to keep all recommended vaccines up-to-date, not just COVID-19,” Friedlander said in a statement. “It protects you and the people around you. Vaccines are the best way we need to prevent infections. Successful vaccination programs require the cooperation of everyone. is.”

Federal authorities will consider the Kentucky plan and provide the necessary feedback. The Cabinet urges Kentucky citizens to continue practicing social distance, wear masks, and wash their hands well and frequently. Bescher reported 1,295 new COVID-19 cases and 12 new virus-related deaths and record hospitalizations on Saturday...

To read the complete Kentucky immunization plan, download the following documents:


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