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Masked Monsters and Socially Distanced Spies: Celebrate Halloween at Home | Life and Style


Halloween This year was expected to be a hollow incident, as there were no parties, trick-or-treats were sparse, and it was assumed that Apple’s Bob was banned. Still, retailers report that this year’s stay-at-home order will be one of the biggest Halloweens ever in the UK for an industry estimated to be worth more than £ 400 million.

“Despite the pandemic, Halloween is certainly not canceled,” said Insight Manager Swastis Sarna. Pinterest.. “”[People] This year, we’re looking at Halloween games at home and decorating every room in the house to stay safe and creative. Popular searches on Pinterest include creating a “Haunted Mansion Bathroom” and hosting a “Halloween Garden Party.”

Designed to share visual virtual pinboards, social media networks act as the bell of current trends. The number of searches for Halloween games in the UK has increased 10-fold since the same period last year, and Halloween upholstery has increased 9-fold compared to last year. Demand for “Halloween costumes with masks” is 27 times higher.

Hobbycraft, a superstore of arts and crafts, reported “amazing demand” for ceramic and papier-mache pumpkins this year. The retailers are already sold out, with more than a week left. In Argos, “Nightmare Before Christmas” has become one of the top searches on the site as customers rush to buy a variety of Disney Halloween products for kids.

The Parenting Forum exchanges tips on how families can set up spooky scavenger hunts at home, as well as sweets making and crafting ideas. Homemade horror nights are expected to be very popular this year as parents adhere to pandemic restrictions but pamper their kids at a mini Halloween party where they all go out for decoration, costumes and themed food.

Mumsnet bulletin board thread We discussed whether we should allow the trick or treat to move forward, One parent cited the devastating year of the family’s bereaved family and canceled birthdays and holidays as a reason to take full advantage of that opportunity.

Woman pushing a baby carriage past a colorful shop window displaying Halloween items

Retailers are reporting an increase in online demand for Halloween products. Photo: Canadian Press / Rex / Shutterstock

“We decorate, dress up to see other decorations, go out and leave a lot of sweets in front of the house just in case. I don’t care. My kids really I had a really crappy year. ” Toffie Penny. “We’re aiming for that. We’re not in a local blockade yet … I’m giving my kids the opportunity to be kids this year. What is it, even in the sense that it’s not 100% the same? is.”

Adults will be forced to abandon traditional horror shows at fancy dress parties this year, but many of the activities may go online: Halloween costumes, Makeup in another world And Daftskit is expected to haunt Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and YouTube throughout the weekend.

The eerie background with a special theme Already proven to be a popular twist For those who plan to gather at the zoom.

On Thursday, Waitrose revealed that online searches for “Halloween” on its site increased 90% in September of the previous year, up 156% year-on-year last week.

Founder of Laura Cowan, like many parents Girls Rising Movement, Said Observer She noticed that her three daughters were particularly dazzled in this year’s Halloween outlook. At Wellwin Garden City, families are looking forward to a pumpkin trail hosted by the School’s Association of Parent Teachers and will hang individual bags of sweet candy on the garden hedges for children who have done trick or treat. I was planning.

“I’ve never attended Halloween before, but the girls are very excited to dress up as zombies, and as they learn more about pagan festivals, they’re crazy about Halloween. Samhain is especially important. “Cowan said. “”HereThe Disney movie about Day of the Dead in Mexico was great for girls. Is there a collective day to honor our ancestors who have passed away? This is a great idea – especially now. “


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