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Pilates helps control blood pressure in young obese women


New articles published in journals American Journal of Hypertension In April 2020, Pilates shows that young obese women can do better with improving cardiovascular health and controlling blood pressure. Patients in this group are at increased risk for high blood pressure and weak vascular health.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a physical fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates and was called “Control.” It is currently practiced around the world, has been employed by over 11 million people, and has 14,000 instructors in the United States alone. This system is a derivative of the physical cultural movement that occurred around the end of the nineteenth.Th Century, lasts up to 20 yearsTh century.

Effects of mat Pilates training on vascular function and body fat in obese young women with elevated blood pressure. Image Credit: Flotsam / Shutterstock

Pilates described his method as the art of controlled movement and focused on building central strength. The core is made up of the abdominal, waist, and waist muscles called powerhouses, which determine body stability. The advantage of Pilates is that the combination of balance, coordination, alignment and breathing increases flexibility, increases strength, and improves control and durability.

Pilates focuses on strengthening and extending the core muscles as well as the arm and leg muscles, using only solid padded mats. With the participation of celebrities such as Beyonce and Emma Stone, Pilates has become one of the most famous wellness routines in the United States with 9 million participants in 2019.

Obesity in young adults

Adolescent obesity has been a significant public health problem over the past few decades. Recent studies have shown a 34% prevalence of obesity in the 20-39 age group in the United States. Excessive weight gain also occurs at the highest rate in this group. At the same time, differences in weight gain between racial and ethnic groups are more pronounced in this group.

However, little is known about why people become obese at this time. Some factors include leaving the parents’ home and living independently, eating, working full time, adopting different patterns of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth, and divorce.

The health costs of obesity in young adults, including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, can be offset by investing in preventing this condition.

Pilates in young obese adult

Young women tend to gain the most weight during the first pregnancy, which contributes significantly to obesity in young adults. Exercise is essential for preventing and treating cardiovascular health problems. But workouts are one of the first to suffer in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Current research

Several studies have looked at how Pilates improves cardiovascular health, but few are of good quality and usually involve only a small number. The current study was motivated by the need to examine the effects of Matt Pilates on hypertension in obese young women.

The study looked at obese, hypertensive young women aged 19 to 27 years. Body mass index fluctuated between 30 and 40 kg / m2. All women took a 12-week course at Matt Pilates.

None of the women had the underlying illness. All were non-smokers. At baseline, no regular exercise was performed for more than 90 minutes in any week.

Participants received three training sessions per week, each lasting one hour. All sessions were supervised by a certified Matt Pilates instructor.

The session included a 10-minute warm-up and stretch, followed by a 40-minute Pilates mat exercise and a 10-minute cool-down. Over the course of 12 weeks, training intensity steadily increased in terms of the number of repetitions of each exercise.

Survey results

Researchers have found that women with Pilates mats have significantly lower arterial stiffness and blood pressure. This includes the central aortic blood pressure, indicating the effect of this exercise on the heart.

“ Our findings provide evidence that Matt Pilates benefits cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and body fat in hypertensive young obese women, ” said an investigator. I have concluded. This study will help promote the use of Matt Pilates to prevent hypertension and cardiovascular events in obese young adults. This group of young people, whether cardio or resistance, are usually reluctant to perform traditional training. As other older studies have shown, the effects of obesity can be largely negated by adopting Matt Pilates in this high-risk group.

Journal reference:


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