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UNICEF said Monday that it plans to stockpile 520 million syringes in its warehouse in preparation for the final COVID-19 vaccine. Located in Copenhagen, Denmark, this warehouse is part of the agency’s infrastructure for delivering medicines worldwide.


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UNICEF said Monday that it plans to stockpile 520 million syringes in its warehouse in preparation for the final COVID-19 vaccine. Located in Copenhagen, Denmark, this warehouse is part of the agency’s infrastructure for delivering medicines worldwide.


UNICEF, the world’s largest single purchaser of vaccines, wants to steadily start implementing the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it is ready.

UN agencies said Monday that they plan to stockpile 520 million syringes by the end of 2020. It also plans a global distribution and storage plan for future COVID-19 vaccines.

Purchasing syringes now will help reduce market pressure and ensure timely availability once the vaccine is deployed, the organization said.

“To move faster later, you need to move faster now,” UNICEF Secretary-General Henrietta Fore said in a statement. “We do everything we can to provide these essential supplies efficiently, effectively and at the right temperature.”

The agency, also known as the United Nations Children’s Fund, plans to distribute up to 1 billion syringes by next year. We also purchase 5 million safety deposit boxes to safely dispose of used syringes.

According to UNICEF, vaccines are heat-sensitive and are usually shipped by air, but syringes are bulkier and are shipped by sea. You can prevent delays by purchasing in advance.

The World Health Organization and UNICEF plan existing cold chain equipment and storage capacity to ensure that vaccines are transported and stored at the proper temperature.

The organization said UNICEF has provided approximately 600-800 million syringes for routine immunization programs. The number of COVID-19 vaccines is expected to triple or quadruple, depending on the number produced and secured by UNICEF.

This announcement will be made when global entities compete to complete COVID-19 vaccination.

The Trump administration Publicly refused to participate in the international COVID-19 vaccine joint research known as COVAX.. It is jointly led by WHO, Gavi, and the Infectious Disease Control Innovation Alliance.

The White House explained that it was partly due to WHO’s involvement, which the Trump administration described as “corrupted.”

COVAX wants to accelerate the development and production of the COVID-19 vaccine and distribute it fairly to both poor and rich countries. WHO said in July that 165 countries, which make up more than 60% of the world’s population, participated in the collaboration.

Instead, the US government is pursuing a unique initiative called Operation Warp Speed. The goal is to produce and deliver 300 million doses of vaccine, with the first distribution starting in January.

Pfizer, A clear leading candidate for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine for the United States states that the results are not ready until mid-November at the earliest.

“World vaccination against COVID-19 will be one of the largest projects in human history,” said UNICEF Secretary-General Fore. “We need to act as quickly as we can to produce the vaccine.”

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