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France’s Ose enrolls up to 400 people in “T cell” coronavirus vaccine test


* Focus on T cell-based approach

* Up to 400 patients expected in Phase I / II trials

* Phase 3 study scheduled for September 2021

* The company says it can produce millions of doses

Paris, October 19 (Reuters)-France’s Ose Immunotherapeutics enrolls up to 400 patients in the first two stages of an coronavirus vaccine clinical trial, adding to the fight against a pandemic I want to provide a weapon.

CEO Alexis Peyroles said Reuters hopes to deploy the vaccine in 2022, perhaps at least a year after the most advanced project, in Europe and the United States.

However, he said that Ose’s different tactics mean that it can still play an important role.

More than 40 pharmaceutical companies and research groups are conducting human experimentation on vaccines against viruses that have caused more than one million deaths and economic turmoil.

Most of these vaccines are primarily designed to produce so-called “neutralizing antibodies” to stop the virus. This is considered the most promising approach, but some researchers question whether mutations in the virus will persist.

Focusing on onciology and autoimmune diseases, Ose trains a subgroup of T cells, also known as “killer cells,” to attack virus-infected cells and produce up to 11 coronavirus proteins. I think I can recognize it. Chase one.

“T cells are like pawns in our body,” says Peyroles, adding the Ose vaccine to immunosuppressed subjects and subjects suffering from comorbidities such as diabetes and cancer. It can be given alone or in combination with other shots.

“Several injections of antibody vaccines to enhance protection can have side effects on the vaccine, which is a good complement to our products.”

OSE is listed as the only company pursuing a T cell-based approach in World Health Organization vaccine aggregation.

The potential vaccine is one of the few vaccines being developed by French companies and researchers, including researchers at Sanofi, Varneva, Osibax and the Pasteur Institute.

If the first two phases of the clinical trial, which will begin around the end of the year (helping to assess safety and immune response), proceed as planned, Ose will work with industry partners to carry out Final Phase III. I aim to do that. Research from September 2021 and possibly vaccine distribution.

Peyroles did not reveal whether his company had begun negotiations with potential partners, but companies such as Sanofi, Merck & Co and AstraZeneca were interested after being informed by their late-stage trials. He said he could have.

“We confirmed that they were aware of our data,” he said of the three companies when asked if discussions were already underway.

Vaccine production can easily be expanded given the availability of ingredients and the existing supply contracts for OSE, Perroll said.

“We are not in the biological field of this vaccine. We have a partnership and can produce millions of doses.”

(Report by Matthias Blamont in Paris, additional report by Ludwig Burger in Frankfurt, edited by Mark Potter)


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