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A 12-week double-blind controlled study of 148 Air Force air force personnel-ScienceDaily


Researchers studied the effects of 12 weeks of exercise therapy on 148 active Air Force airmen, half of whom also consumed twice-daily energy drinks containing protein. Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA; lutein; phospholipids; vitamin D; B vitamins and other micronutrients; along with muscle-promoting compounds known as HMB. The team reports that both groups have improved their physical and cognitive functioning, with additional benefits among those who regularly consume energy drinks.

The survey results will be displayed in the journal Science report..

Participants were randomly assigned to two groups. Nursing home is a combination of strength training and high-intensity interval aerobic fitness tasks. One group received energy drinks and the other consumed placebo drinks that were deficient in additional nutrients. Neither the researchers nor the participants knew who received the nutritious beverage or placebo.

“Exercise intervention alone improved muscle strength and endurance, mobility and stability, and participants also saw some increases in cognitive function measurements. At the end of 12 weeks, episodic memory improved. The information was processed more efficiently. Aaron Barvey, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and who led the study with Dr. Christopher Zwilling, has never encountered a problem. Needed to be resolved.

“People who also took dietary supplements saw all these improvements, etc. For example, they were able to retain newer information in their working memory than those taking placebo, and in tests of fluid intelligence. It responded more quickly, “says Barvey.

According to Zwilling, physical training has improved physical fitness in both groups.

“Power is a measure of physical fitness based on several factors, such as the speed at which a participant pulls a heavy sled at a set distance, the distance at which a weight ball can be thrown, the number of push-ups, pull-ups, or sit-ups. I will play within the time I was given. “

Physical training reduced the body fat percentage of participants and increased oxygen uptake efficiency, or maximal oxygen uptake. Airmen also performed better than initially in some measurements of cognitive function. Most notable of these was the improved accuracy of response to problems designed to measure fluid intelligence.

“But I also wanted to know if taking supplements could outweigh the benefits of exercise,” Zwilling said. “For example, we found that people who took the supplement had a lower rate than those who did not, in relation to their resting heart rate.”

Participants who consumed energy drinks were also found to have significantly improved their ability to retain and process information. And the researchers found that their reaction time to the fluid intelligence test was improved over their peers who took placebo.

“Our work motivates the design of new multimodal interventions that incorporate both aerobic fitness training and nutrition, and that their benefits enhance multiple measurements of cognitive function beyond improving physical fitness. It shows, “says Barvey.

The U. of I. team intervened with research co-author Adam Strang, a scientist in the Department of Applied Neuroscience at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, and colleagues at the Air Force Research Laboratory. The U. of I. team also collaborated with Abbott Nutrition researcher and research co-author Tapas Das and his colleagues who led the design of energy drinks, a mixture of nutrients for both muscle and brain. The specially designed beverage delivery ingredients shown in previous studies are associated with improved physical cognitive function.

Story source:

material Provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Bureau.. Original written by Diana Yeats. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.


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