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Correct / False: Local Health Professionals Undertake Common COVID Proverbs | Editor’s Choice

Correct / False: Local Health Professionals Undertake Common COVID Proverbs | Editor’s Choice


Some people think that COVID-19 is just influenza. And some believe that the coronavirus will suddenly disappear when the vote ends on election night.

And if you ask, many would say they were ill last winter and probably had the virus.

But what is reality?

The state has one of the highest total weekly cases in the country, as the virus surges in Wisconsin and sets a new record for 4,000 positive cases per day.

In Jefferson County, more than 2,200 people are infected with COVID-19.

And the virus was politicized as Wisconsin became a fierce battle state for the presidential election.

To uncover some common myths about the coronavirus, we asked some local health professionals to answer the general opinions that have been shared since the pandemic began in March.

Samroz Jakbani, an epidemiologist at the Jefferson County Health Department, and Chris Barron, executive director of artificial health and clinical services at Fort HealthCare, have helped inform people about the virus.

Below are their reactions to some of the most common false statements that have spread over the last seven months.

COVID-19 will be discontinued on November 3rd.

JAKVANI: This doesn’t happen. The virus that causes COVID-19, the new coronavirus 2019 (or SARS-CoV-2), is not artificial and is not set to a “timer”. The pandemic is likely to continue until next year, and even after the vaccine is widely available, the incidence of new cases is likely (although minimal). Scientists and researchers around the world are working on various aspects of the virus, including its origin, virology, epidemiology, clinical symptoms, detection, and treatment.

Baron: That’s not true. Coronavirus doesn’t care about your politics. Our pandemic response began in March, long before the election season began. After the election, no matter who is in which constituency, it will continue. Anyone elected needs to deal with a pandemic. You also need to address decisions that were or were not made in response to the pandemic.

The virus is really influenza.

JAKVANI: Influenza and COVID-19 are both infectious respiratory diseases, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2), and influenza is caused by infection with influenza virus. There are some important differences between influenza and COVID-19. COVID-19 is more likely to spread than influenza and appears to cause more serious illness in some people. It also takes time for people to develop symptoms, which can lead to long-term transmission. Another important difference is that there are vaccines to protect against the flu. Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid exposure to the virus.

You don’t have to wear a face mask if you have a social distance, right?

JAKVANI: This depends — SARS-CoV-2 infection depends on many factors, including outdoor and indoor settings. Air-to-space ratio; Number of individuals; Whether individuals are silent, speaking, singing loudly or powerfully. Ventilation etc.

We know that infections can occur via aerosols or floats, so indoors and others, especially during periods of high incidence, such as Jefferson County and Wisconsin as a whole are currently experiencing. It is important to wear a mask whenever you are around.

If you are outdoors, around a relatively small number of people, and have a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and those other people, you probably don’t need to wear a mask. In almost all other situations, wearing a mask is appropriate and essential to control the spread of the virus.

Baron: Do I need to wear a mask if I have a social distance? it depends. please refer to: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services posted a very good infographic on its Facebook page on October 10th.

I was sick last winter, so I think I’m already infected with COVID-19.

JAKVANI: Based on the number of cases observed in winter and subsequent antibody tests, it is highly unlikely that an individual in Wisconsin was infected with SARS-CoV-2 last winter. In very large metropolitan areas, this is more possible, but contact with people traveling to certain areas (eg Wuhan, China, Italy) that were early identified as SARS-CoV-2 hotspots. Unless you have, it’s still unlikely. ,Spain).

Face masks don’t really help.

JAKVANI: Masks, when properly worn, are the strongest and most effective line of defense against viruses to date. Extensive research and meta-analysis have shown that masks have a very strong effect on reducing SARS-CoV-2 infection. Additional to wearing a mask, such as the possibility of immunization by pseudo-inoculation (similar to the action of a vaccine) through a very limited number of particles that an individual wearing a mask may be exposed to There is also limited evidence to suggest that there are benefits. ..

Baron: It’s incorrect. The CDC has pages with lots of reliable references that support masking. Masks have been a valuable tool for limiting the spread of infections in the medical environment for decades.

The first hesitation in public mask guidance was related to a lack of health care PPE (personal protective equipment) and a relatively low prevalence of COVID-19 at the time.

As COVID-19 becomes more prevalent in our community and there are more alternatives to medical PPE such as cloth masks, masking will become an important strategy for controlling the spread of COVID-19. Masks work in two ways.

The most important way is to have a properly worn mask limit the infection of droplets that can carry the virus from people with COVID. Second, a properly worn mask provides a barrier to the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth where the coronavirus invades the body.

I am negative for blood type O, so I have no symptoms when infected with coronavirus.

JAKVANI: There is no evidence to suggest that a particular blood type provides immunity or protection from SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19. There is limited evidence to suggest that patients with Rh + and O blood groups are unlikely to be positive, but the evidence is very weekly and should not be used in decisions or predictions at this time. ..

Keep in mind that the risk of being positive is different from the risk of serious illness / symptoms. In addition, note that the limited evidence above does not indicate that patients with Rh- (negative) blood group are at lower risk of viral contraction, test positive, or symptomatological symptoms.

Since I am young, the coronavirus certainly does not affect me.

JAKVANI: There are many factors that influence the risk of serious illness due to SARS-CoV-2. Young people are certainly at lower risk of serious illness than older people and more vulnerable people, but a significant proportion of young people with SARS-CoV-2 infection have serious illness or hospitalization. I will.

In addition, many young and healthy individuals with no history of illness or risk factors, even among those who are not hospitalized, experience severe symptoms and protracted effects of SARS-CoV-2.


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