WHO warns of the occurrence of COVID-19 if proper quarantine is not followed
Key Point
- WHO executives confirm that the United States and Europe are not quarantining correctly
- In both countries, the number of new COVID-19 cases has increased significantly, indicating a new wave of infection.
- As a major effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, self-quarantine and quarantine are carried out in parallel with distance.
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 does not seem to slow down. There are signs of new outbreaks, especially in some states in the United States and many parts of Europe, as cases continue to grow.
Over the past week, the number of new coronavirus cases has skyrocketed in 17 states in the United States. Since the beginning of the month, the county’s seven-day average has reached about 25%, with new cases occurring in 41 states in the last two weeks.
The rapid surge has resulted in over 50,000 new cases per day. This is a harsh warning that the United States has entered the third wave of infection. Experts believe that the current situation in the country could be the “largest” outbreak, given that some states have already lifted the blockade, but outside the guidelines. Some people go out to.
“If prices are never low, basic public health measures are not universally adopted, and people are brought indoors to share meals, you are like putting together a perfect storm.
Unfortunately, this was perfectly anticipated, “said Ingrid Katz, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. Business insider..
Italy, UK and Belgium are the same problem Because the countries are also working on new cases. According to Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of health emergencies at the World Health Organization, about half of the member states in Europe saw a 50% increase in cases last week.
One of the main reasons is the weather. Ryan said the cooler temperatures have made residents hosting rallies indoors, making them more susceptible to the virus. However, while face mask wearing, hand washing, and social distance practices are becoming part of the so-called “new normal,” Ryan still sees one “antivirus strategy” that is clearly overlooked. .. Exposed to COVID-19 under quarantine.
Johns Hopkins Medicine Methods for flattening the COVID-19 curve included self-quarantine and quarantine, as well as social and physical distances. Both may look similar, but those who are infected or at risk of getting the virus need to stay away from those who are not infected.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a 14-day stay-at-home order. According to Ryan, quarantine is working, but he does not believe that countries with an increasing number of new cases are “working hard.”
“If you know you’re in contact with an incident, you need to be completely isolated at home, without contact with others,” Ryan told another Business Insider. paper..
In a nutshell, quarantine is the same as quarantine. According to the WHO Technical Lead of COVID-19 Maria Van Kerkhove, “disease control” is “completely isolated” from others, including family members.
“It means not working. It means not going to the grocery store. It means not dating friends. It means that there are no people in your house.” Kerkhove said.
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