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Wildlife Commission seeks public help to monitor new diseases that infect rabbits | News

Wildlife Commission seeks public help to monitor new diseases that infect rabbits | News


Raleigh, NC (October 20, 2020) – NC Wildlife Resources Commission biologists monitor potential spread of deadly rabbit disease not yet observed in North Carolina rabbit populations by reporting sightings of dead rabbits to authorities We are asking the public to help us do this.

The Commission’s biologists are working with the North Carolina Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services (NCDA & CS) to work with the Rabbit Viral Disease Virus Serum Type 2 (RHDV2), a deadly disease that affects both domestic and wild rabbits. ) Is being monitored for its spread and impact. RHD V2 is extremely deadly. There is no cure for wild rabbits, and rabbit vaccines are not readily available in the United States. RHDV2 is classified as an exotic animal disease in the United States and is currently found primarily in the southwestern United States. People can indirectly spread the virus by carrying it to their clothes and shoes, but RHD V2 does not affect human health.

RHDV2 has not yet been observed in the North Carolina rabbit population, but agency biologists have told the general public and hunters that one or more dead wild rabbits, or nose, mouth, whose death is not immediately apparent. , Or the rectum. If you find a dead rabbit, refrain from touching it unless necessary and call the Commission’s Wildlife Helpline 866-318-2401 or email us. [email protected].. The Commission relies on reporting rabbit mortality to document the outbreak and potential spread of the disease in North Carolina.

NCDA & CS asks the owner of a rabbit who has observed an unexplained death of a rabbit to contact a veterinarian or NCDA & CS (919-707-3250). Rabbit owners are also encouraged to follow appropriate quarantine protocols when introducing new rabbits to prevent them from coming into contact with wild rabbits.

NCDA & CS also alerts rabbit owners when moving rabbits from other states to North Carolina. A health certificate or interstate veterinary examination certificate is required. Obtaining a health certificate from a veterinarian before bringing rabbits to North Carolina will help protect the state’s rabbit industry.

This latest outbreak began in March 2020. As of September, deaths have been confirmed in several wild and domestic Lagomorphs, including rabbits, rabbits and pikas, in seven western / southwestern states. There are isolated cases of RHDV2 in rabbits in the eastern United States, but these isolated cases are not epidemiologically associated with widespread outbreaks in the southwest. If the current outbreak spreads to the East Coast, the Commission is concerned about the potential impact on native rabbit populations, especially the Appalachian Cottontail, which is found only at high altitudes in the western part of the state. doing. The Appalachian Cottontail has been designated as a species of concern by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and is classified as vulnerable to serious harm in most of its range.

About RHD V2

RHDV2 is highly contagious and dies within 9 days of infection. Often, the only signs of illness are sudden death and a bloody nose caused by internal bleeding. Infected rabbits may also have fever, hesitation to eat, and show respiratory and neurological signs such as dyspnea, coordination disorder, and paralysis. The RHDV2 virus is highly resistant to extreme environments, withstanding temperatures above freezing to over 120 degrees Fahrenheit. It can spread through direct contact with other living or dead rabbits, exposure to the excrement or blood of infected rabbits, or contraction through mechanical mediators such as flea and fly bites. There is sex. The virus can also spread from carcasses, food, water, and other pollutants. There is no cure or vaccine for wild rabbits.

Visit the agency web page above RHDV2 For more information.


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