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New research shows one way to prevent cancer and maps the basis of two proteins that make cells dysfunctional-more lifestyles


Someday scientists may be able to prevent cancer A new paper suggests by controlling two proteins that function deep in the quagmire of epigenetic cell fate transitions.

This study, published by Nature Communications, describes the dynamic push and pull between the proteins ANP32E and H2AZ.

These relationships are important because too little H2AZ promotes cell division and aggressive tumors, and high levels of H2AZ promote chaos and metastatic cancer. ANP32E functions as a “chaperone” that directs H2AZ. He is an assistant professor of biomedical genetics at the University of Rochester Medical Center and a researcher at the Wilmot Cancer Institute.

Abundant levels of H2AZ are common in people with breast, brain, and melanoma.

With a “normal” amount of H2AZ, according to Murphy, healthy cells can turn off signals that allow cancer cell division and tumor growth.

Epigenetics underlies Murphy’s work. This field has been around for 80 years, but it’s been a hot topic these days. For scientists and cancer patients, which biological factors influence changes in hereditary genes and predisposition to disease, and exposure to lifestyle-related and chemicals that are passed down from generation to generation switch gene function. I am learning that it can lead to cancer and other illnesses.

At the core of epigenetics is understanding how two cells can have the same DNA but have different functions in the body. Murphy’s research adds important information as scientists seek to find factors that activate or silence genes during cell migration.

Laboratory findings have shown that H2AZ spreads violently when they eliminate ANP32E from the connective tissue of mice. Therefore, if researchers can find a way to inhibit human ANP32E and control the H2AZ protein, cancer cells may become more sensitive to antineoplastic and immune system attacks.

Advanced technology allows researchers to study the migration of cells in specific regions of DNA. The Wilmot team was able to pinpoint how ANP32E and H2AZ work together to control DNA activity and cellular directives.

“Precise control of ANP32E levels and H2A positioning may be important to prevent carcinogenesis,” the paper states. “Therefore, in future studies, it will be important to investigate the mechanisms described here in the context of human diseases, including cancer.”

(This story was published from the news agency feed without changing the text. Only the headline has changed.)

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