Herd immunity can mean millions of dead Americans |
USA just Exceeded 64,000 coronavirus infections daily, Highs not seen since July. We are about to exceed the threshold of 220,000 Americans who died in the COVID-19 pandemic. The president was infected with the virus after hosting a “Superspreader” event at the White House in honor of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. More than I originally thought -Infected.
But instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to finally implement a national strategy to delay the virus using testing, masking, social distance, and contact tracing, Trump administration officials instead Accept “herd immunity” As an answer. They are playing with fire.
There is no doubt that Americans are fed up with the quarantine, blockade, and turmoil that COVID-19 has brought to their daily lives. We are all tired of living in fear. President Trump recently said at a town hall meeting in Philadelphia that the coronavirus was “approaching.” .. .. You develop- Like the “spirit of the flock”-It will be-It will be “developed in a herd” and it will happen. It happens. “
Misuse of Trump’s language (he meant “herd immunity”) laughs unless it shows that this is in the process of officially adopting a national policy that intentionally kills millions of Americans. Will do. At the moment, COVID-19’s herd immunity is nothing more than a dangerous prank, while the virus rages rather than disappears.
What exactly is herd immunity? Herd immunity occurs when most individuals in the community are immune to the disease, so if the virus attacks, no individual is sensitive enough to spread the infection. There are only two ways to reach herd immunity. One is, of course, by people recovering from the infection, and the other is by vaccination with a vaccine.
There are problems with coronavirus and herd immunity. Variations on this virus, the main cause of colds, are forever present. Nevertheless, we have never developed herd immunity against the common cold. Perhaps if immunity to this new coronavirus develops, it can last for a short period of time, perhaps only a few months.
We also know it Says, Although rare for now, can be re-infected with COVID-19. Occurred in some cases.. Therefore, it is unknown whether a person infected with COVID-19 is actually immune.
In addition, to achieve herd immunity, 70-90% of the community needs to be infected and develop resistance to disease. In the United States, it means that more than 200 million Americans must be infected with the virus. The optimistic 1% mortality rate (some researchers bring the mortality rate closer to 3%) means more than 2 million deaths, and the data show that they are primarily older Americans. Shows disproportionately black and Hispanic.
Vaccines have achieved the same and are designed to be much safer than innate immunity from infection. However, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the vaccine will not be widely available until next year. Even if safe and effective vaccines are available, it is difficult to vaccinate 200 million Americans to develop herd immunity.
Many people generally do not trust the vaccine, and the political pressure on the FDA to promptly approve the COVID-19 vaccine warns Americans. Was it really safe, or was it just in a hurry for political purposes? Measles, mumps, chickenpox, and even other viral illnesses such as the flu have not “disappeared” despite decades of vaccine availability. COVID-19, like other coronavirus families, may have been with us for a very long time.
Allowing the disease to upset the population in the hope of developing herd immunity would be ridiculous and arguably murder. Sweden has tried, killed and readjusted its entire approach to many older Swedes.
Instead of listening to the sound advice of the president’s free medical community, scientists and experts, the administration accepts extreme and unconventional ideas that appear to be backed by scientists but do not disclose their names. It was. So far, Doctors accepted by the White House Declares that herd immunity can be achieved when 10-20% of the population is infected. This is a concept that the majority of the epidemiologist community disagrees with.
We need leaders who are honest with the general public and who trust scientists to develop safe and effective vaccines. You can’t rush the process, or you can’t believe it. Trump has lost public confidence in being involved in the coronavirus. The White House needs new leadership. In the meantime, wear a mask.
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