Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley say sleep well and improve the effect before you get the flu shot.
Emmet Lions and Sandy Ramott CNN
We all know how good we feel after a good night’s sleep.
It turns out that sleep can be essential to arm us in the fight against the flu and Covid-19.
Medical professionals recommend that you always get a flu shot this year, as some Covid-19 have similar flu symptoms. A flu shot reduces the chances that your condition (if you get sick) is due to the flu.
To make the flu shot effective, sleep expert Matthew Walker said:Why we sleep“CNN’s Christiane Amanpour said it was important to practice” good sleep hygiene. “
A week of sleep deprivation before being vaccinated against the flu can lead to the production of less than 50% of the normal antibody response. This is a reaction that almost nullifies flu shots, Walker told Amanpour. Walker specializes in the relationship between sleep and human health at the University of California, Berkeley.
Walker quoted a 2002 study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. 2020 study of the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Supporting these findings, it suggests that sleep the night before vaccination may be important for vaccine efficacy.
The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research is conducting ongoing research investigating the relationship between sleep and immunity, as well as future research planned to investigate the effectiveness of sleep and vaccines.
For Walkers, such tests could represent a significant advance in resistance to the coronavirus. “Then we need to study, is there the same relationship between sleep and your successful Covid vaccination? If so, it could also be a game changer,” he said. ..
Sleep strengthens our immune system
Lack of sleep does more than just reduce the effectiveness of flu shots.
That’s because your body is actually repairing and recovering itself at the cellular level while you sleep.
“People who sleep less than 7 hours are three times more likely to get a rhinovirus or a cold,” Walker said. “We know that people who sleep less than five hours a night are 70% more likely to get pneumonia.”
Depending on your age, you are supposed to get 7 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Various health conditions such as mood swings, paranoia, depression, high blood pressure, weakened immunity, weight gain, and decreased libido. Studies are associated with sleep deprivation.. It is also associated with an increased risk of some cancers, dementia, diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.
Sleeping less than the recommended amount on a regular basis can double the risk of premature death, he said. Longitudinal study of 10,308 British civil servants.. Researchers have found that people who reduce their sleep from 7 hours to less than 5 hours overnight are almost twice as likely to die of all causes, especially cardiovascular disease.
Is it difficult to sleep now?
You may not be able to sleep soundly now. An increase in the number of people sleeping soundly during a pandemic has been reported. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study, 36% of Americans report difficulty sleeping this summer due to pandemic stress.
According to Walker, the economic instability and anxiety about catching the virus is clearly contributing to the increase in sleep disorders.
But that’s not all bad news. According to Walker, some people’s sleep is actually slightly increased.
A study conducted by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, suggested why this was the case. According to the initial results of about 1,600 people from 60 countries, 42% said they had better sleep, reporting sleep-wake behavior along the body clock. The results of these findings will be published later this year.
With the second wave approaching and the “new common sense” of everyday life at home, many people no longer have to get up early to commute or get up early from school. “With flexibility, people start to approach natural trends,” Walker said.
If you have trouble sleeping, you can do the following: (If you’re worried about sleep, it’s worth talking to your doctor.)
Need more sleep?Method is as follows
You can train your body to get a more restful sleep in a few important steps:
- Make sure the beds and pillows are comfortable and the room is cool. 60-67 degrees is optimal. Do not work in the bedroom or watch TV. That way, your brain knows that your bedroom is just for sleeping.
- Avoid coffee, tea, other stimulants, and fatty foods before bedtime after 3 pm.
- Eliminates the blue light of mobile phones and laptops and all other light (and dull sounds) at bedtime. If necessary, use earplugs or a white noise machine (although you can use a humidifier or fan to get the white noise effect).
- Excessive exposure to natural light during the day can help adjust the circadian rhythm.
- Establish a nightly bedtime routine. Take a warm shower or bath, listen to gentle music, read a book, meditation Or do The light stretches All are good options.
- Finally, sign up for CNN Sleep newsletter, sleep, but better, Take steps to improve your sleep.
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