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Plans to address Covid-19’s “imbalanced” impact on ethnic minority groups

Plans to address Covid-19’s “imbalanced” impact on ethnic minority groups


The government is set to come up with plans to address the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on ethnic minority groups.

In an oral statement Thursday, Women’s Equality Minister Kemi Badenock outlines some of the new steps the government is taking to protect those at risk.

Experts appear to have stated that during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, they were not convinced that structural racism had played a role in the medical outcomes of blacks and ethnic minorities.

Dr. Raghib Ali, Senior Clinical Research Associate, MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, should spotlight not only ethnic minorities, but also risk factors such as overcrowded housing, such as obesity, age, population density, occupational exposure, and overcrowded housing. Said. Population as a whole.

Dr. Ali added: “It was an important issue, not to say that structural racism did not exist, but if it was an important issue in medical outcomes, it would be reflected in other outcomes as well as Covid. Is expected.

“But the truth is that most ethnic minority groups are actually in better overall health and have lower mortality from all causes than white groups, especially as evidenced by data from the United Kingdom as well as Scotland. That is. “

Instead of focusing on ethnicity as a potential risk factor for severe Covid-19, individuals need to perform a “personalized risk assessment” to determine their likelihood of becoming severely ill. The doctor added.

He states: “Because we need to adjust risk factors, not just ethnicity, the purpose of the adjustment is to understand the causes of increased risk for blacks and South Asians.

“Of course, depending on which paper you look at, the risk increases (that is, a couple of times that of whites).”

“Ethnicity is basically a proxy for those risk factors, so you have to target them,” he added.

Healthy coronavirus
(PA graphics)

Dr. Ali, who will be one of the government’s new expert advisers on Covid-19 and ethnicity, could reasonably use ethnicity as a proxy because there was not enough information about the disease in the early stages of the pandemic. Said that.

But when new evidence emerged, “it doesn’t make sense to put all minorities in the same basket,” he said. Not all of these communities are at high risk of becoming seriously ill or dying.

Badenoch will announce a range of measures to protect endangered people, including the new £ 25m community championship funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Work is also underway to require that ethnicity be recorded as part of the death certificate process in order to establish a “big picture” of the effects of the virus on ethnic minorities.

Other steps taken by the government include updating the shielded patient list and establishing a series of roundtable meetings with religious leaders and representatives of other communities over the next few months.

Badenoch said: “We have invested in a powerful package of measures to develop available data for messaging and ensure that everyone is as secure as possible at home or at work.

“Today’s report presents an important first step in our journey to understand and address the imbalanced effects of Covid.”

Healthy coronavirus
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Badenock’s statement, according to the Cabinet Office’s Racial Disparity Unit (RDU) report, present evidence that various socio-economic and geographic factors contributed to higher infection and mortality rates in ethnic minority groups. He said it shows that he is.

These include occupational exposure, population density, household composition, and existing health status.

However, some groups said some of the excess risk remained unexplained.

A British Public Health Services (PHE) report entitled “Covid-19: A Review of Risk and Outcome Disparities” published in June by Covid-19 by a variety of people, including those with ethnic minority backgrounds. We have shown that we were most affected by the imbalance.

We found that the increased risk of death involving Covid-19 in people with a black ethnic background was twice as high in men and 1.4 times in women compared to whites.

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