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Sweden directs older people to end quarantine as new virus cases increase

Sweden directs older people to end quarantine as new virus cases increase


Stockholm: Elderly people in Sweden no longer need to be quarantined, the government said Thursday that COVID infection rates are lower than in spring and the burden on older people’s mental health behind the new recommendations is increasing. Pointed out.

Many countries across Europe are imposing restrictions to deal with the proliferation of infectious diseases, so there is a move to ease the burden on older people, but the Health Agency sees evidence of a second wave in Sweden. I said I didn’t.

Sweden takes a different approach to the fight against pandemics than most other European countries and relies on voluntary measures to promote social distance, but isolates nursing homes after high levels of resident death. Did.

The number of new cases in the Nordic countries has been steadily increasing in recent weeks, but at a lower level than in many European countries where new records are set daily compared to population size.

In Sweden, a total of about 107,000 cases have been seen and about 5,900 have died. 975 new cases were enrolled on Wednesday and an additional 7 died. This is much less than at the peak of spring, but well above the number of cases during the summer.

“The Public Health Service has decided that older people and people in special risk groups are subject to the same recommendations as others,” Health Minister Lena Hallengren told reporters.

Overall, COVID-19 deaths are many times higher than in neighboring countries in Northern Europe, but lower than in some countries that have adopted stricter restrictions, such as Spain and the United Kingdom. ..

Historically, people over the age of 70 have been told to avoid physical contact and public transport and stay away from shops and other public places, authorities have reduced infection rates, but many It also had a significant negative impact on the well-being of the elderly.

Authorities say older people need to follow general advice to all Swedes as their infection rates are low, they are knowledgeable about how to treat their illness, and their health system is no longer exposed to the same pressures as in spring. I did.

This includes avoiding large gatherings, staying home with the first signs of illness, and maintaining social distance.

However, Hallengren warned that this did not mean a return to normal.

“You can’t live your daily life like you did before the pandemic,” she said. “But there are many ways to live, not just to survive.”

Disclaimer: This post is auto-published from the agency feed without modification of the text and has not been reviewed by the editor.

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