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Double Crisis: Do Not Postpone Influenza Vaccination Anymore

Double Crisis: Do Not Postpone Influenza Vaccination Anymore



Facing a deadly double crisis COVID-19 Pandemic With the rush of the flu season each year, health professionals are doubling the appeal of regular flu shots.

“This will be one of the most important years to get a flu shot,” says Dr. Georges Benjamin, Secretary-General of the American Society of Public Health. Benjamin, just 68 years old, says he got him about a month ago.

To back up health officials, California Governor Gavin Newsom said at a live news briefing in late September that he would be vaccinated against his flu.

“I can’t impress any more about the importance, power and efficacy of being vaccinated against the flu,” Newsom told Facebook feed viewers.

So far, some people have received the message.Walgreens pharmacist Dawn Dewey

Drugstores in Greenville, NY have an active business in influenza vaccination. She says the rush started earlier this year, although some health officials have suggested waiting until late October to ensure protection throughout the peak flu season.

“I think I’m just everyone — COVID Problem — They will be at the top of the flu, ”Dewey says. She is vaccinated against the flu about 25 times a day at the only pharmacy in this small Catskill town. This is more than double the normal at this stage of the season.

Pharmaceutical companies ship with higher turnout than usual Over 190 million doses For the United States only.

Double crisis

Medical professionals already taxed by a pandemic that has killed more than one million people worldwide are naturally worried about the potential of this flu season.

“We don’t want to have two major infections that hospitalize people,” Benjamin warns. “We know how seriously COVID has put a strain on our healthcare system, so adding influenza, which has a relatively high incidence and hospitalizes people, makes it a real problem. . “

Also, because the two illnesses tend to share the same symptoms (fever, chills, myalgia, cough), extensive testing for coronavirus is so important that doctors and patients are dealing with which one. I know. Rapid classification of the two viruses can further stress the limited supply of COVID-19 test kits, as the only way to confirm that is to test the coronavirus.

So far, the COVID-19 virus kills nearly six times the typical number of people dying from seasonal flu in the United States each year. However, experts say that “normal” flu is not trivial.

“It’s not a benign illness,” Benjamin warns. “People say,’Oh, don’t worry, it’s just the flu.’ No, this is a serious illness for some people.”

As proof, you just need to look at the rigorous stats from 1918 influenza pandemicThis has killed an estimated 50 million people (yes, 50 million) worldwide, of which about 675,000 have died in the United States.

See also: Another warning from the 1918 flu to COVID-19: “Survival does not mean that an individual has fully recovered.”

Of course, medicine has come a long way in the century since its pandemic without the seasonal flu vaccine. However, the seasonal flu virus kills more than 34,000 people in the United States alone in a typical year, accounting for 500,000 hospitalizations.

It’s especially difficult for older patients.

“One of the challenges of influenza is that extreme ages (very young and very old) are at the highest risk of getting really sick,” says Benjamin.

He adds that people with chronic illnesses get the flu. Chronic lung diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma all increase risk and are a common condition among older Americans.

A happy surprise?

Many experts speculate that the pandemic is ready for this year’s flu season. People have become accustomed to covering, keeping away, and washing the surfaces of their hands and homes frequently. This happens to be a good preventative measure for influenza.

According to Dr. Megan Ranney, an emergency physician and associate professor at Brown University, “universal masking” can reduce COVID-19 infections by 70% to 90%. Wearing masks in the United States was not universal. However, despite leveling off in the spring months, research shows that compliance remained above 60% in the United States during the summer. If these numbers are maintained, it could help curb this year’s transmissions.

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Since the Southern Hemisphere is in the flu season every year before the northern half of the globe, every spring, health agencies around the world work together to find the major strains of influenza that are prevalent in countries such as Chile and Australia. Next, prepare a vaccine that matches what is on the market. Infection rates and results in these countries also provide a preview of what Americans can expect when infected here. So far, they have reported a relatively mild year.

In a typical year, 40% of Americans are vaccinated against the flu. Benjamin says his organization is pushing for that number to reach 60% in 2020. Current. The COVID-19 vaccine has not been proven, but several vaccines are in clinical trials, and most experts predict that one or more will be widely available by next summer or fall.

The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all people over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against influenza annually.With rare exceptionsFor those who have certain types of severe allergies to the ingredients used in the vaccine. There are different prescriptions for different age groups. High dose Vaccine approved for people over 65 years old ( May be out of stock Or limited supply in some drug stores), and nasal drops instead of injections. The provider asks a series of questions to determine the best option.

reference: Studies have found that the coronavirus can survive for up to 28 days on a phone screen and money.

It takes about two weeks for the flu vaccine to be fully effective. Seasonal vaccines work better in some years than in others, depending on how closely the lab can replicate a particular strain of influenza that is endemic.

Benjamin is optimistic, although the season is still too early to measure the effectiveness of this year’s vaccine.

“I think we’re playing a decent match right now,” he says. “But I only know the time.”

Craig Millar’s career in broadcasting and journalism spans more than 40 years. Miller launched and edited the award-winning KQED Climate Watch multimedia initiative in San Francisco and was a science editor until August 2019. Prior to KQED, he spent 20 years as a television reporter and documentary producer on major market broadcasters. The same is true for CNN and MSNBC. When he’s not working, his favorite places are kayaking on scenic rivers and mountain lakes.

This article has been reprinted with permission from, © 2020 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. all rights reserved.

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