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Asymptomatic children: Most asymptomatic children have lower levels of coronavirus compared to symptomatic children


Boston: Analysis of more than 800 pediatric cases in the novel Coronavirus The infection revealed that most asymptomatic children had significantly lower levels of the virus compared to children who experienced symptoms. Low sensitivity diagnostic test To screen a pediatric population.

However, a study published in Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyI warned that the reason for this discovery is unknown, but I also need to explain how reduced viral load affects risk. COVID-19 infection..

“These findings provide some reassurance about the safety of children with asymptomatic infections in school, but these unanswered questions are day care to reduce the prevalence of COVID-19. It suggests that risk mitigation measures in schools, schools, and communities remain important, “said Larry Kosiorek, lead author of the study. , US Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist.

“Children must continue to wear masks, stay socially distant, and wash their hands frequently,” Kosiolek said.

According to scientists, it is still difficult to predict which children are more or less likely to carry the virus.

“Because there were some in all age groups we tested Asymptomatic child With a higher viral load. But even the group of asymptomatic children with the highest viral load in our study had lower viral load than the symptomatic children, “said Kosiorek.

In this study, scientists evaluated 339 asymptomatic and 478 symptomatic children (ages 0-17). These children were screened for COVID-19 positive using: PCR Examinations at nine children’s hospitals in the United States and Canada.

The analysis showed that asymptomatic children with recent contact with diabetes and / or COVID-19 cases, and children tested for surveillance purposes, had a significantly higher risk of estimating the highest viral load. ..

According to scientists, this finding suggests that the timing of infection compared to diagnostic tests affected viral load in asymptomatic children in the study.

However, they also noted that even in the asymptomatic surveillance subcohort with the highest viral load, the average level of virus was significantly lower than in the symptomatic cohort.

“We need to know the peak viral load in asymptomatic children with COVID-19-did the timing of the test just miss the peak in many of the asymptomatic children in this study, or asymptomatic? Are Children’s Peak Virus Loads Really Low? Than Asymptomatic Children? ”Nira Pollock, Senior Author of the Study, Infectious Disease Diagnosis Laboratory At Boston Children’s Hospital in the United States.

Researchers also pointed out that the levels of virus found in asymptomatic children are much lower than the rapid levels available. antigen The test can be detected.

“Rapid antigen testing is less sensitive than PCR testing used in hospitals, and many asymptomatic children in our study are negative using rapid testing based on an understanding of detection limits. It’s important to recognize that it was likely to have happened. Those tests. ”

Based on the findings, the researchers cautioned against using low-sensitivity tests in asymptomatic screening programs in pediatric populations.

“Overall, we would like to encourage more research to better understand the viral load in asymptomatic children, especially in the early stages of infection,” Pollock added.

Coronavirus can worry children: Here’s how to talk

Corona conversation

In the wake of the coronavirus, several schools and universities have been closed in many parts of the world to curb the spread of COVID-19. As public awareness and conversation about the new virus increases, the situation can make children worried and worried about their family and friends.

Parents, families, teachers, healthcare professionals, and trusted adults play an important role in helping children understand what they hear in an honest and accurate way and to minimize fear and anxiety. ..

Dr. Sreenath Manikanti, a neonatologist and senior consultant at HOD Fortis Raffam Hospital on Richmond Road, Bangalore, offers some tips on how to facilitate corona conversations around children.


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