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What you need to know about the coronavirus on Friday, October 23


Biden warned that the United States would be in a “dark winter” as the coronavirus began to go out of control again.

Trump rejected that view and reasserted that the virus miraculously disappeared, as it did for the past eight months. “We’re around the corner. It’s going to be gone,” Trump said.

First fact: This is wrong.The· Status of coronavirus in the United States -As measured by newly confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and test positive rates — worse, but not good. The United States is now caught up in a horrific fall surge, boosted by indoor socializing, school outbreaks, and pandemic malaise.

You asked.We answered

Q: When will the coronavirus pandemic end?

A: Trump has declared it at least 38 times since February Covid-19 will disappear Or it is now gone. It’s not.In fact, the World Health Organization states: The virus may never go awayInstead, it can always be in the background in our community, and sometimes it can surge with local outbreaks.

Several teams of scientists around the world are working on a viable coronavirus vaccine, the world’s best shot to end a pandemic. However, the vaccine must be very effective and widely available to prevent the virus from circulating in the population-and people need to take it.

The pandemic doesn’t last forever, but it’s usually not because the virus goes away. Eventually, Covid-19 will become HIV-like, treatable until it is removed, or measles, and will be vaccinated.

Please send your question here.. Are you a healthcare professional fighting Covid-19? Please send us a message on WhatsApp about the challenges you are facing: + 1347-322-0415.

What’s important today

Doctors say this will be the worst surge ever. Is the United States good at handling Covid-19 now?

Seven months after the pandemic, doctors and scientists have made great strides in learning how to better treat patients with this still new illness. And that knowledge is a big advantage. For example, ventilators, once widely used in the early days of a pandemic, are now less popular as doctors have learned how to injure the lungs of Covid-19 patients.

But in some places, nurses still don’t have enough protective equipment. People continue to ignore the rules of masks and social distance. And a quick home test is still a dream. This is where experts say the United States stands When it enters the next tough stage of the pandemic.

Remdesivir becomes the first FDA-approved treatment for Covid-19

Remdesivir Became the first Covid-19 treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, drug maker Gilead Sciences said Thursday.

Remdesivir, sold under the Veklury brand, has been in use under urgent approval since May. Earlier this month, President Trump received the drug after testing positive for the coronavirus.

However, antivirals have shown little benefit to coronavirus treatment at best. A Global research sponsored by the World Health Organization Remdesivir was found to have failed to accelerate the survival or recovery of Covid-19 patients.And a former US Health and Welfare Service officially converted whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer The data show that the drug is far from home runs. “It wasn’t a noticeable improvement in terms of mortality, or lengthening or shortening of hospital stays, but it showed a small benefit,” Bright said.

Blockade was implemented and curfew was extended as Europe fought the second wave

Desperate to avoid the devastating economic costs of a stay-at-home order that came into force in the spring, European leaders are imposing and expanding regional restrictions Hoping to stop the surge in cases.
France Expanded curfew to about two-thirds of the population Greece Italy imposes nighttime restrictions on travel in high-risk areas. In the Czech Republic, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands, non-essential services such as bars and restaurants have been reduced or closed. And the UK is tightening regulations in some parts of the UK. Manchester, Move them to the “Very High” category. This prohibits mixing outside the household.

The two-week “firebreak” blockade in Wales began on Friday night, closing schools, shops, pubs and hotels, and people were told to stay home. As the pandemic struck the continent, it joins Ireland as one of the toughest blockades to be enforced.

On our radar

  • Hydroxychloroquine, fentanyl, azithromycin and morphine are one of the 29 important drugs in the treatment of Covid-19. Dangerous supply shortage All over the United States, according to a new report.
  • Convalescent plasma According to a recent study, antibody-rich sera from the blood of people who recovered from Covid-19 did not reduce mortality or protect patients from serious illness.
  • Two American churches Won the proceedings against the Covid-19 restrictions. Members no longer need to wear masks.
  • Australia As national affairs slow down, many stranded citizens will be able to return home from abroad.
  • The· Czech Health Minister He says he is “ready to face the consequences” a few days after leaving a restaurant in Prague and being photographed and begging people to stay home.
  • When a company returns a reluctant worker to the office, it is important to find a way to maintain social distance. Israeli company Smart sensor It is mounted on the ceiling of the workplace.

Today’s top tips

It’s been less than two weeks since the US presidential election. And while millions of Americans vote early by mail, many still choose to vote directly. Are you worried about your safety in the ballot box?Compiled List of guidelines To reduce the risk of getting infected with Covid-19 while fulfilling your citizens’ obligations.

Today’s podcast

“When I first looked at my smartphone, this white-blue rectangle was waving in the dark, and then I heard a man asking for help.” -CNN Senior Writer Thomas Lake

Lake and his wife were very careful about the virus. No travel, no hair stylist, no friends or relatives in the house. And in a few seconds on a dark country road in Georgia, Tom cast all his attention at night. Listen now..


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