COVID-19 Vaccine Trial: How Doctors Diversify Volunteer Pools
A wider variety of candidates are continuously needed to participate in the COVID-19 vaccine trial. This is because COVID-19 has a disproportionate impact on the black, Latin American, and Native American communities. These communities are also the ones most hesitant about vaccines. However, front-line physicians and other healthcare professionals at high risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection participate in clinical trials to test the effectiveness of vaccine candidates and use their participation to set an example and Black. , LatinX can be encouraged. Native American patients also volunteer.
Scientists, doctors and other professionals are enthusiastic about developing the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and have already passed the first stage of testing safety, dosage and response. However, Phase 3 studies are needed to confirm that these vaccines are effective in a wider population. This requires millions of volunteers, including doctors and other healthcare professionals.
AMA COVID-19 Prevention Network (CoVPN), a project of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, more people are on the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trial to end uncertainty and help find a vaccine for everyone We encourage you to apply. CoVPN aims to engage community stakeholders to address COVID-19-related inequality and health inequalities.
Although trials of the COVID-19 vaccine are progressing rapidly, the participation of people in the areas most affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection is very important. This too:
- Essential worker.
- People who live in a densely populated residential environment.
- People who live or work in apartments such as nursing homes and long-term care.
- Elderly people and people with underlying health conditions.
- Black, Latin or Native American patients.
CoVPN also encourages patients and physicians to consider volunteering Various clinical trials Of monoclonal antibody. There are four reasons doctors, other healthcare professionals, and their patients should consider volunteering for the COVID-19 vaccine trial:
Acquire more diverse volunteers
It is imperative to have a diverse pool of volunteers from the community disproportionately devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
If black, Latino, or Native American doctors are volunteering, their actions may encourage others who look like them to participate. Vaccines should be tested in diverse groups that represent the general public. That means people of all genders and races.
Educate patients with examples
When physicians share their personal decisions, it can play a major role in encouraging patients to volunteer for the COVID-19 vaccine trial. This is especially true if your doctor has already volunteered. Participation gives doctors and other healthcare professionals confidence and an example of the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.
“If I can help the other one to enroll in an exam that will help solve the worst pandemic of our life, if I can answer the question, if I can calm my fear with the facts, I Do it. You can’t do it in the dark. ” AMA members Louito Edje, MDThose who participate in Moderna trial.. “You have to set an example and lead in the light.”
Learn more from AMA about why Dr. Eger, a black doctor, volunteered for the coronavirus vaccine test..
Healthcare professionals are at high risk
Doctors and other healthcare professionals are at high risk of infection and can be an inadvertent means of infection. For example, in a Houston hospital, 5.4% of patients who were in direct care of COVID-19 patients were SARS-CoV-2 positive, compared with 0.6% of those who were not in direct contact. JAMA Research letter.. This indicates that there is an infection from a patient or colleague.
Frontline doctors and other healthcare professionals are major volunteers in vaccine trials due to the high risk of COVID-19. This helps researchers learn whether vaccines effectively prevent infection in people who are regularly exposed to the community.
See details from AMA how FDA plans to build physician confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine..
Help me fight COVID-19 faster
It may sound easy, but it is very important for doctors to apply for clinical trials as the competition for the COVID-19 vaccine begins. Volunteer doctors contribute to the advancement of medicine.
Physicians also provide researchers with important scientific information in a safe and sensitive environment. Without volunteers, there is no vaccine for everyone.
Read this Q & A with AMA members Julia Garcia-Diaz and MD, Principal Investigator of two COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials at Oxner Health, New Orleans.
AMA has created an Ethics Resources page. “Vaccine testing and healthy volunteersProvides expert advice on exam design and informed consent.Quoted from numerous opinions But Code of Medical Ethics, This page provides a concise and comprehensive guide for physicians with all levels of experience.
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