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South Korea is promoting an influenza vaccination program amid fears of death


Seoul (Reuters)-Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) announced on Friday that it will promote a wide range of influenza vaccination programs aimed at preventing complications from the coronavirus. concern.

On October 23, 2020, a man was vaccinated against influenza at a branch of the Korea Health Promotion Association in Seoul, South Korea.Reuters / Kim Hongji

KDCA said in a statement that there was no direct link between vaccination and the deaths of the 26 people investigated, adding that it will meet on Saturday to consider additional analysis. It was.

The death toll of vaccinated people reached 36 on Friday, calling on doctors and politicians to cancel a program aimed at immunizing about 30 million of the country’s 52 million population. I did.

According to KDCA, police and national forensic services initially performed about 20 autopsy results, 13 died of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and other non-vaccination disorders, and 7 underwent additional testing. There is.

Both forensic institutions and police were unable to get immediate comments.

Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyu expressed his condolences to the families of the dead and called for a thorough investigation to pinpoint the cause of death.

“So far, experts have said that shooting and death are unlikely to be linked, but many citizens are still worried,” he said at the meeting.

The increase in deaths has fueled debate about whether programs that are free for some citizens should be suspended. The country’s largest group of doctors called for a discontinuation until the safety of the vaccine was confirmed, but major vaccine societies said vaccination should be continued as no association with death has been found. ..

Advice for shots

Some local governments and district offices across the country have voluntarily advised residents not to vaccinate against influenza or are considering suspending the program.

Vaccine providers include domestic companies such as GC Pharma, SK Bioscience, Korea Vaccine and Boryung Biopharma Co Ltd, a division of Boryung Pharm Co Ltd. 003850.KS, With Sanofi, France SASY.PA.. They offer both free programs and paid services.

Of those who died, 10 received products from SK Bioscience, 5 from Boryung and GC Pharma, 4 from Sanofi, and 1 from Korea Vaccine. There were no details for the latest 11 cases.

KDCA Director Jeong Eun-Ke said Thursday that vaccines will continue to be supplied, but if the government dies using some products with identification numbers that match batches manufactured at the same factory, more people will use them. He said he might consider stopping. One batch consists of approximately 150,000 doses.

It was not immediately clear whether Korean-made vaccines were exported or whether Sanofi-supplied vaccines were being used elsewhere.

All four domestic companies declined to comment.

Sanofi referred to KDCA’s findings, but said in a statement to Reuters that scientific assessment and surveillance were underway and would work closely with local health authorities.

South Korea has ordered an increase in influenza vaccines by 20% this year to prevent what is called an “epidemic” in which influenza and COVID-19 occur simultaneously in the winter.

According to KDCA, 9.4 million people have been vaccinated and about 789 side effects have been reported since the program was launched in September.

KDCA reported 155 new cases of coronavirus as of midnight Thursday, with total infections reaching 25,698 and 455 deaths.

Report by Shin Hyun-hee; Additional report by Matthias Blamont in Paris and Joyce Lee in Seoul. Edited by Michael Perry, Stephen Coates, Raju Gopalakrishnan, Frances Kerry


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