NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Chief ask locals to follow Covid’s rules as incidents surge
Scottish Health Director COVID-19 Hotspot Ares is begging locals to follow the guidelines as the number of incidents continues to grow.
A total of 20 “red” wards, Coronavirus The patient is currently performing at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
More than 500 Scottish people in the area hospital It tested positive for deadly bugs.
There are additional restrictions in this area, and there are four other health boards on the central belt.
Over the last 24 hours, 1,401 cases have been recorded in Scotland.
Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that 493 of these cases were from NHSGGC. The largest number of cases in Japan.
Scott Davidson, Deputy Medical Director of Acute Services at NHSGGC, said: “The numbers continue to grow throughout Scotland, and Greater Glasgow and Clyde are the most affected regions in the country.
“It is imperative that the general public follow guidelines so that our staff can continue to effectively manage and treat both Covid and non-Covid patients.
“During this time, we are maintaining a program of elective surgery, which also means that we are now caring for more patients than ever before.
“Therefore, the number of Covid-19 patients may not yet reach the peak level in March, but there is just as much pressure on staff across the service.
“Minimizing unnecessary footprints plays a major role in preventing the spread of the virus and is currently related to the use of medical services so that staff can focus on providing the best possible care. I would like to remind the general public of this policy. “
Elsewhere, NHS Tayside introduced visit restrictions throughout the hospital from Monday to limit the spread of the virus and protect vulnerable patients.
Currently, there are less than 50 patients with Covid-19 confirmed in the hospital, and there are many suspicious cases.
As a result, there are restrictions on the adult patient ward at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. All wards of Perth Royal Infirmary. Surgical unit ward at Stracathro Hospital near Brechin.
Visits to these areas can be continued for certain situations, such as patients receiving end-of-life care.
Also, keep in mind that the general public can continue to visit the Taside Children’s Hospital, obstetrics and neonatal wards, mental health facilities, and community hospitals.
Claire Pearce, Director of Nursing and Midwifery at NHS Wayside, said: “I understand that pausing a visit can affect my family and patients, and not being able to visit my family while in the hospital is a pain for many.
“But it is very important to keep patients, staff and the general public safe. For these reasons, we want you to understand that we have made this difficult decision.
“To manage the number of patients with the virus, we have the flexibility to use three acute care hospitals, with patients and staff moving between sites.
“This means that we need to limit visits to all three sites in order to further reduce the number of people who come to the hospital every day and limit the spread of the coronavirus.
“We will continue to provide virtual visits to patients using phones, tablets and laptops so that people can stay in touch with their loved ones.”
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