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IU Doctors Explain Why Influenza Vaccines Are So Important This Year: IU News: Indiana University

IU Doctors Explain Why Influenza Vaccines Are So Important This Year: IU News: Indiana University


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing the prevalence of respiratory illnesses such as influenza in the fall and winter is more important than ever.

It is important to get a flu shot this season as the symptoms of the flu are very similar to COVID-19. This is necessary for those who are on campus on a regular basis. If you have symptoms of influenza, you should quarantine until you can screen and test to make sure you are not infected with COVID-19.

Dr. Lana Dbeibo, an infectious disease expert IU Medical Response Team An assistant professor of clinical medicine at IU School of Medicine recently shared with Inside IU her thoughts on influenza and COVID-19, influenza vaccines, and what to do if you get sick.

Question: Why is it so important to get a flu shot this year?

Answer: Influenza vaccines reduce the risk of getting the flu and reduce the severity of the disease. In addition, being vaccinated against the flu protects you and those around you.

This year is especially important due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Both influenza and COVID-19 can cause respiratory infections and pneumonia, and in some cases even death. Medical professionals are worried that if someone is infected with both of these viruses at the same time, they will get serious illness, which would be much worse than each of them alone.

During this flu season, it uses the same testing, quarantine, and hospital resources / infrastructure that COVID-19 patients require, allowing for all respiratory syndromes that may be consistent with COVID-19. It is important to limit as much as possible. These resources are limited. When exhausted in response to an outbreak of influenza, it will not be possible to adequately respond to COVID-19 without treatment or vaccine. This can result in longer turnaround times, longer ER wait times, fewer tests, and increased prevalence and spread of COVID-19.

Q: How do I know if I have the flu or COVID-19?

A: can not. There is no difference between COVID-19 and influenza symptoms. The only way to tell is to take a test. Also, some people are infected with both viruses, so it is not always the case. Given that COVID-19, influenza, and other common respiratory viruses cause similar symptoms, testing has proven whenever any of these symptoms occur (no matter how mild). Until then, it must be assumed to be COVID-19.

Q: Is the flu vaccine useful if I get COVID-19?

A: No. However, you do not get both at the same time because it reduces the risk of one virus.

Q: What should I do if my flu test is positive? Is it possible to infect COVID-19 and influenza at the same time? Do you get the flu more than once a season?

A: If the flu test is positive, you should be isolated until your symptoms improve and you don’t have a fever for 24 hours without the use of antipyretics. You can have both influenza and COVID-19 at the same time. In addition, multiple types of influenza viruses are often prevalent, so you can get the flu more than once in a season.

Q: How safe is the flu vaccine?

A: Influenza vaccines have a very good safety profile for individuals over 6 months of age. There are very rare medical exceptions to vaccination against influenza.

Q: How do I prepare if I need to quarantine at home?

A: This season, you need to be quarantined or prepared for quarantine due to either influenza, COVID-19, or other viral infections. My advice:

  • Consider in advance the best location for safe isolation or isolation.
  • Buy easily perishable foods (think canned soups and other canned products), water, sports drinks, and juices.
  • Make sure you have a supply of medicines, hand sanitizers, and masks for at least 14 days in case you go to the clinic or laboratory.
  • Buy personal belongings such as cold and flu medicines, and first aid kits.


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