PTSD, alcohol abuse are closely related, but men and women have different symptoms: Study-Gender and Relationship
Complex Experiment Scientists are designed to explain gender differences and focus on specific changes in the brain that can cause alcohol abuse in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I will. In a rodent study, researchers found that men and women exhibited unique and distinct symptoms of PTSD and alcohol use disorders and brain features. These differences are usually not explained in laboratory-based studies, but can lead to more successful clinical treatments. The findings published in Molecular Psychiatry also present a new model for identifying biomarkers that may indicate that people with PTSD are more likely to develop alcohol use disorders.
“Having PTSD greatly increases the risk of developing alcohol use disorders because individuals use alcohol to deal with stress and anxiety, but the underlying biology of comorbidities is common. “It’s not well understood,” said Dr. Michael Steinman, a postdoctoral fellow in neurophysiology in Professor Marisa Roberto’s lab, and Dr. Dean Carson, co-author. “We hope that new knowledge of gender-specific changes in the brain will help drive the development of more targeted therapies.”
According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, about 7% to 8% of the country’s population will suffer from PTSD at some point in their lives. Causes include exposure to combat, physical abuse, accidents, or other forms of trauma. Alcohol abuse disorders are also common, affecting approximately 15 million people in the United States. People with stress or anxiety disorders, such as PTSD, are not only more likely to abuse alcohol, but are also at increased risk of alcohol withdrawal and recurrence. “Most people know or will know who is suffering from one or both of these disorders, and may try to help them. But now, effective treatments There are few laws, “says Roberto. “Both are complex disorders that affect similar brain circuits. I’m studying addiction and stress separately in my lab, so I’m working with the Zorrilla lab here to create new translation-related behaviors. We applied a model to see what changes would occur when these disorders coexist. “
In a collaborative study by co-lead authors Roberto and Eric Zorrilla, PhD, anxiety-relieving and anxiety-relieving neurotransmitter behavior, sleep patterns, inflammatory immune responses, and known as GABA (short for gamma-aminobutyric acid), and I checked the level. It enhances relaxation and is a common feature of alcoholism. In both male and female rats, traumatic stress and alcohol exacerbated other behaviors common in PTSD, such as social avoidance startle response and defensive behavior. Those who were identified as “vulnerable to drinking” before the trauma most strongly showed avoidance of traumatic-reminiscent places.
However, scientists have noted significant differences in post-traumatic male and female behavior and have seen significantly different patterns of GABA signaling. For example, men showed increased GABA receptor function and women showed increased GABA release. “This may be important, because the drug can have different levels of efficacy in male and female patients, and the results come from understanding the biology that explains why these differences exist. There is growing awareness that it can be improved, “says Steinman.
The team also found that men exhibit immune-based biomarkers, small proteins known as cytokines secreted by immune cells, that determine their vulnerability to alcohol use disorders. The woman did not. “We have identified a profile of certain cytokines that were not previously associated with stress behavior, which is strongly associated with poor drinking outcomes,” said Zorilla, an associate professor of molecular medicine. I will. “These may be clinically and mechanically important, but they were unique to men, so we’re working before us to find similar biomarkers for women.” Roberto And Zorrilla’s lab will conduct additional research on the mechanisms behind the observed biological changes to test which brain systems can be targeted to treat both PTSD and alcohol abuse. “We will also investigate the role of the immune system in these disorders,” says Roberto. “These different biomarkers may be useful in targeted therapies.”
(This story was published from the news agency feed without changing the text. Only the headline has changed.)
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