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550 new virus cases, Oregon’s largest daily total to date | Northwest

550 new virus cases, Oregon’s largest daily total to date | Northwest
550 new virus cases, Oregon’s largest daily total to date | Northwest


Salem, Oregon — The Oregon Department of Health reported 550 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases on Friday. This is the largest daily total in the state since the start of the pandemic.

Health officials call the number of cases “problematic,” and based on the state’s current COVID-19 modeling, if Oregon continues its current path, the state will reach hospital capacity by mid-December. He said it could be reached.

“Although more than the totals reported so far, it is in close agreement with the modeling estimates released last week, which would be reported daily if Oregon residents did not double their efforts to slow the spread. It shows that there can be more than 400 people, said Simisha Reef, senior health adviser to the Oregon Department of Health.

A record of previous daily cases in Oregon, also in October, was 484. Authorities called the record new number of cases in the state on Friday “reminding Oregons that they can’t be alert.”

Mr Sharif said health officials were “remaining cautious” about “overweighting” the daily total.

“But we believe this increase is due to continued community infections from social gatherings, not just household clusters,” Sharief said.

Authorities attributed the increase in incidents to Labor Day rallies, college student return to campus, interruptions in testing during a recent wildfire in Oregon, and “small clusters” of outbreaks throughout the state. I am.

State and health officials have already urged people to avoid Halloween celebrations and rethink Thanksgiving plans.

Since the start of the pandemic, the total number of COVID-19 cases confirmed in Oregon is 41,348. The death toll is 649.

Currently, 22 percent of the 723 intensive care unit beds listed in Oregon are still available, based on data from the Oregon Department of Health website. Of the non-ICU adult hospital beds in the state, 14 percent are still available.

“We are approaching capacity,” Sharief said. “There are still hospital beds available, but based on current models, capacity may be reached from mid-December to late December.”

In addition, earlier this week, Cootenay Health, a hospital in Corder Lane, could soon send COVID-19 patients in northern Idaho to Seattle or Portland, Oregon, as local hospitals are approaching capacity. Announced that there is.

Hospital officials said the facility had 99 percent capacity for patients.

For 6 weeks, the number of COVID-19 cases in Oregon was on the decline until mid-September. Since then, authorities have warned that numbers are growing again at an alarming rate.

In October, Oregon reached a severe COVID-19 milestone, including the state’s largest daily number of cases since the outbreak of the pandemic, surpassing 600 and reaching 40,000 confirmed cases.

The record daily number of cases in Oregon has followed the United States as the United States is approaching the new daily coronavirus case record.

The 7-day moving average of new daily COVID-19 cases in the United States exceeded 61,140 on Thursday, compared to 44,647 two weeks ago. The record reached July 22 when the moving average was 67,293 in the midst of a summer outbreak, primarily due to virus surges in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California.

The United States recorded 71,671 new cases on Thursday, with several states setting records in the Midwest and West.

For months, health officials have urged Oregons to continue the state-wide security measures.

As the number of incidents continued to increase this month, health authorities should include all private and public workplaces, including classrooms, offices, conference rooms, workspaces, outdoor markets, street fairs, private colleges, public and private universities. In addition, the face covering the requirements has been expanded again.

“We all need to be proactive in sticking to the guidance that covers our faces and always wear a mask,” Sharif said. “We all know we’re tired and hope it’s gone, but in reality the disease is widespread in Oregon and we all need to protect ourselves and each other. There is. “

In the past, Governor Kate Brown has discussed travel restrictions and closing corporate doors again if necessary. However, there are no “specific restrictions currently under consideration (by health authorities)”.


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