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Scientists start testing two coronavirus vaccines


Australian scientists have begun testing two potential coronavirus vaccines, marking a “significant milestone” in the fight to control the global pandemic.

A vaccine made by Oxford University and the US company Inobi Pharmaceuticals has been licensed for animal testing by the World Health Organization.

The first human testing of the coronavirus vaccine took place in the United States last month. BBC Report. However, the Australian Federal Institute of Science and Technology (CSIRO) states that the test is the first preclinical trial of a vaccine using an animal model (in this case, a ferret) and that it is infected with coronavirus as well as humans .

Guardian In addition, about 35 companies and academic institutions worldwide Compete to create vaccines.

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“It usually took a year or two to this point, and in fact has been reduced to months,” CSIRO’s Rob Grenfell told reporters.

“This unprecedented speed is largely due to China’s early efforts to sequence the genetic material of Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19,” said the Guardian.

“ China will share the sequence in early January, allowing research groups around the world to propagate live viruses and study how they can invade human cells and make people sick. did.”

Another factor is access to existing research that fights similar viruses, especially severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers).

by Yahoo FinanceScientists elsewhere are also trying out existing drugs used to treat conditions such as Ebola, HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis to see if they can be used against the coronavirus.

“The ideal vaccine is safe, easy to administer, easy to manufacture and inexpensive, and provides long-term protection against Covid-19,” wrote Cairy Quinn and Damien Purcell. conversation.

“But in the first place, we would be satisfied if we had a vaccine that could reduce the amount of virus that occurs during normal infections. Lowering the virus can also reduce the amount of damage caused by patient infection. “

According to scientists, the first results of animal testing will be revealed in June, and if successful, the vaccine could be transferred to clinical trials that can be performed in other laboratories.

“ At that point, competition for bringing the drug to the public market could accelerate, but experts warned that a minimum 18-month schedule would be required to meet regulatory testing and standards. “, Says the BBC.


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