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Nurse: No mask or hand sanitizer


Nurses and caregivers must take care of people in Perthshire who are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus without the use of safety equipment, and in some cases even basic cleaning products, whistleblowers warn I am.

When one nurse contacted PA this week, staff at several nursing homes, including their employers, found that despite the threat that the virus poses to both workers and workers, employers said they could use masks and gloves. Residents who had not been provided with important personal protective equipment (PPE) have cleared up a few weeks ago.

Another nurse working in the area that the PA discussed this week said that after the crisis, companies claiming that they had sufficient stock and sent large amounts of PPE to their employees after the crisis hit, Of the kit that claimed to be trying to cover up how much it was dealing with the deficiency.

Two nurses, who claimed to be spokesman for the team in some homes, despite the government constantly stressing the importance of keeping hands clean to prevent the spread of the virus in the media. Said in his workplace he did not even wash his hands for staff.

Worryingly, the pair will not be able to reveal their identity to the PA and will cancel the directory if they find that they have been fired and their employers are talking to the media. I told the PA where I couldn’t work because I was afraid.

Summarizing her dissatisfaction with the status quo, the first nurse told PA: “We are not provided with PPE, so the risk of getting this virus is high.

“We don’t have a mask … we don’t even have a hand sanitizer. We can’t get anything. There’s no way to protect ourselves.

“And if we get sick and take a break for two weeks, the employer says we will not pay us the proper wages. We will get the statutory sick pay-that’s it.”

The second nurse told PA: “There are no alcohol gels. Staff must source and bring their own alcohol gels.

“I was told that when taking care of people it was necessary to wear a mask [but] When I looked for some, I found one box with a more tissue-like mask.

“They are telling the public that they are completely ready, they got this, and they got it.

In the same week, the Duo will collaborate with care leaders, including the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Scotland, to write a letter on health and sports to the Secretary of the Cabinet so that all healthcare workers and social workers can get the necessary PPE To respond to an ongoing crisis that called for urgent action.

RCN Scottish director Teresa Fife said a nationwide shortage was reported this week: “In the weeks leading up to the crisis, some colleagues have not yet provided adequate PPE.

Workers say they lack hand sanitizer

“It takes care of the most sick and vulnerable people in our community during this incredibly difficult time, as we joined the Royal General Practitioner and Scotland Care in writing in the Cabinet Secretariat It calls for urgent action to protect those who are overkill.

“They now need more equipment and less excuses. Every minute we wait is too long. Every staff member needs to feel safe wherever they work. We will raise this issue until we do. “

The PA believes that seven independent companies currently operating nursing homes in Perthshire have had their staff access to the appropriate PPE, but only four responded by yesterday’s print deadline. I asked the company.

There is no proposal that the nurse we spoke to this week will work for any of the companies that answered our questions.

According to HC-One’s spokesperson, who runs Perth’s Strathtie House, Scone’s Cat Moore House and Cliff’s Birches. “Health, safety and health of residents and colleagues are our top priorities, and a coronavirus emergency response plan is in place.

“We have now taken steps to secure the number of supplies, medical equipment, and colleagues needed to provide safe and effective care to the population throughout the outbreak of the coronavirus.

“We supply local and central personal protection as well as support from the NHS.

“We continue to work closely with local healthcare partners, do everything on our own, and make sure that our residents and colleagues are safe and healthy during these difficult times.”

According to a spokesperson of the Balhousie Care Group, which has homes in Perth, Lankati, Cliff and Blairgowrie: We purchase PPE from both our suppliers and the NHS NSS Triage Center for Social Care.

“But as widely reported, the supply of PPE across the sector is low and the NHS has had priority access to them. We have addressed this issue with our own trade bodies and many MPs and MSPs. I emphasize. “

According to a Four Seasons Health Care spokesperson who operates Craigieknowes in Perth: “Like all organizations in the healthcare and social care sector, we are affected by a global and regional shortage of personal protective equipment.

“Most of our homes receive PPE deliveries, and we work closely with our suppliers and NHS to access additional supplies that are distributed where needed.

“We provide our teams with transparent daily updates on these efforts.”

Louise Barnett, Managing Director of Renaissance Care, a beach manor at Blairgowrie, told PA:

“Thanks to the initial plans, we were able to purchase a large amount of PPE equipment and soaps and disinfectants to ensure the continued health and safety of our staff and residents.

“Nevertheless, procurement of equipment has become increasingly difficult during this long period of infection control.

“We work continuously to ensure that our workforce is best prepared and supported over this challenging period.”


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