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27 staff and patients infected with Covid-19 in a psychiatric unit at Nas Hospital

27 staff and patients infected with Covid-19 in a psychiatric unit at Nas Hospital


The director of health ordered the immediate placement of an “outbreak control team” after the entire psychiatric ward of Nace General Hospital was infected with one Covid-19-positive patient.

After 859 new cases were identified last night, Ireland’s Covid-19 cases totaled 56,108, four new deaths totaled 1,882, and HSE had at least 27 staff and patients. Was forced to take action at the Kildare Hospital where he was examined. Virus positive.

It is believed to have occurred after a male patient was transferred from Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown to Nace on Friday, October 16.

Social Democratic Party TD Catherine Murphy described the outbreak as “shocking.”

“How can we manage a collective environment if we don’t have a strict protocol for testing? Admission to a psychiatric ward is not trivial. These people are the most vulnerable.”

The Lakeview Psychiatric Unit, a 30-bed ward adjacent to the emergency department in the main hospital building, is currently closed. This unit shares equipment such as X-rays and MRI equipment with other parts of the hospital. Unit staffing is currently operating at less than 50% capacity, and replacements are being reassigned from other community services.


Naas General Hospital has confirmed that an outbreak of Covid-19 has been recorded in one ward of Kirdea Hospital.


HSE said yesterday that outbreaks in the medical setting are called when there are at least two positive contacts.

“According to HPSC guidelines, an outbreak control team has been convened and will continue to work with public health and occupational health to manage Covid-19 outbreak responses in two wards: Nace General Hospital and Inpatient Acute Psychiatric Lake View Unit. It is based on the grounds of Nace General Hospital. “

“Outbreaks in acute care hospitals are separate from outbreaks in psychiatric wards and are managed to ensure that hospital services continue in a safe environment.

“To ensure public health protection, both staff and patient Covid-19 testing and contact tracing are performed.

“Staff identified as close contacts in Covid-19 cases are required to be quarantined. Plans to support service continuity and guide senior management to identify the level of service and staff impact. Has been created. “

A spokeswoman said, “You are not allowed to visit the hospital except for compassionate reasons. If you have symptoms that suggest a Covid-19 infection, do not go to the hospital or medical facility. If so, please contact your GP by phone. There are no concerns. “

New figures released last night show that 415 are men and 441 are women, 62 percent under the age of 45. There were 192 new cases in Dublin, 148 cases in Cork, 58 cases in Donegal, 55 cases in Galway, 54 cases in Meath, and 352 cases spread to the remaining 21 counties.


At 2:00 pm, the hospital has 315 Covid-19 patients, 37 of whom are in the ICU. There have been 16 additional hospitalizations in the last 24 hours.

Yesterday, Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin warned that the country was facing “many bumpy roads” in the fight against the Covid-19 crisis.

“Ireland had the strictest restrictions in Europe,” Martin said at a virtual conference at Magill Summer School yesterday before moving to Level 5.

However, he added that one problem that occurred was that many behaviors developed at Level 2 “seeded” the spread of the virus.

“In my view, this is a very challenging agenda,” he admitted. “But we are a country that has overcome this. There are many bumpy roads beyond Covid-19, but we are Nphet.”


The Irish Prime Minister also explained that the government did not immediately move to Level 5 according to Nphet’s previous recommendations because the country had to prepare in advance, and the move from Level 2 to Level 5 was a big leap. did.

Martin said the level 5 restrictions were “very difficult” for people “especially tired now after the first blockade,” but added that “that’s our cycle.”

Asked if the general public would need to accept the blockade entry / exit cycle in the near future, he thinks the level 3 restrictions “have some control over virus spread and have been learned from the initial resumption.” It will be important how to manage the following: “

This week, the state moved to the highest levels of restrictions to contain the disease, and a new law passed by Dáil on Friday night empowers Gardai to fine those who violate the blockade rules.

Civilians can be fined up to € 500 for violating the 5km travel restrictions introduced as part of the blockade. Hosts of house parties and rallies can be fined up to € 1,000. The second and third offenders can be sentenced to up to € 2,500 in prison and fines.

A law supporting the use of fines for breach of restrictions was passed on Friday. House party legislation will come into force this weekend. Fixed penalty notifications will be introduced next week.

Sunday world

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