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Can Aspirin Reduce the Risk of Death from Covid-19 Coronavirus?What this study actually said

Can Aspirin Reduce the Risk of Death from Covid-19 Coronavirus?What this study actually said


Do you want to get you to take aspirin in 2020? Good, A study just published a journal Anesthesia and analgesia Suggests that taking low doses of aspirin may probably benefit from Covid-19 coronavirus infection. But in Wilson Phillips’ words, wait before you start popping aspirin to protect yourself.

The study, led by Dr. Jonathan H. Chow, MD, an assistant professor of anesthesiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, examined 412 patients admitted to Covid-19. About a quarter (23.7%) of these patients received aspirin from 7 days before admission to 24 hours after admission. Researchers found that people who received aspirin during this period were 43% less likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), 44% less likely to wear a ventilator, and 47% less likely to be ventilated. discovered. You may have died in the hospital. It seems like a good thing because it’s not good to be hospitalized in the ICU and put on a ventilator.

However, keep in mind that this study has various limitations. What you can do with such studies is to show relevance and correlation, not to establish causality. Keep in mind that correlation does not mean causality. Repeated correlation does not mean causality. For example, the turmoil of the Kardashian family in the 2010s correlates with the rise in the stock market. “Ugly shoes” are also increasing. Does this mean that either is responsible for what happened in the stock market? Does this mean that if you are an investor, Crocs Kim Kardashian is the key? Unless it’s yours, it’s not always the case. Just because two things happen at the same time does not mean that one has caused the other.

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People who were taking aspirin may have already taken other health care measures or had regular medical attention. Perhaps they had more financial means or were less likely to be exposed to the massive Covid-19 coronavirus. Alternatively, the results of the study may have been a pure opportunity.

That said, there are several reasons why aspirin can help when Covid-19 is more severe. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV2) can initially infect the respiratory tract, but can cause a chain of problems in the body. As far as SARS-CoV2 is concerned, your immune system looks like a 40-year-old virgin, or how old it may be. I’ve never seen a virus before, so I don’t know what to do. It can overreact, mobilize cells, and release chemicals that can lead to “early inflammation.” These chemicals and cells can cause platelets to stick together and form blood clots.

This is where aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), comes in handy if you want to use more syllables and vowels. The ASA can do the opposite: reduce inflammation, platelet stickiness, and blood clotting. These are why doctors recommend that survivors of a heart attack take aspirin daily to prevent another heart attack. In addition, laboratory studies have suggested that aspirin may actually have some antiviral activity. ASA can damage DNA and RNA viruses, including various human coronaviruses. Of course, what happened in the lab can stay in the lab. Such laboratory studies have not proven that aspirin has antiviral activity in people. Do not start taking aspirin just because you think you can kill the Covid-19 coronavirus.

Moreover, in the words of Britney Spears, aspirin is not so innocent. Don’t treat aspirin like a trail mix. There is actually a risk of overdose of aspirin, including bleeding, stomach problems, and allergic reactions. Children can become vulnerable to liver and brain damage when they develop what is called Reye’s syndrome. Therefore, check with your doctor before you start taking aspirin on a regular basis for any reason.

The results of this study are encouraging, but don’t try to make aspirin a cure for the magical miracle of Covid-19. Taking aspirin does not skip everything you need to do to prevent the Covid-19 coronavirus infection and spread, such as social distance and wearing a face mask. Yes, it’s hard to change your life that way. Yes, hugging a loaf of bread is not the same as hugging another, even a really good sourdough. Yes, this and 2020 are all headaches. But aspirin isn’t enough to get rid of it altogether.


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