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Pregnant women need to protect themselves from coronavirus



April 3, 2020 (Health Day News)- pregnant Obstetricians and gynecologists say that women with COVID-19 may be susceptible to pregnancy complications.

According to the Justin brand, pregnant women may have physiological changes in their chest that may make them more susceptible to viral respiratory infections. He is an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey at the Department of Maternal and Fetal Medicine.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists and the National Health Service in the UK are concerned that COVID-19 may make women more vulnerable to miscarriage, premature birth, and fetal growth.

Pregnant women who seem to be infected, “But you should contact your obstetrician to raise concerns. If your condition is severe, you may need to evaluate it at the hospital.” Rutgers said in a news release.

“But most women are pregnant but have mild symptoms and may not need to see a doctor. Colleagues and I triage these calls over the phone, and most patients stay home. And help the hospital evaluate patients who may be ill while doing this. “

“At home with mild symptoms,quarantine 14 days minimum. They should not go to a regular prenatal consultation until they have talked to the doctor’s office and received instructions. Encourages patients to approach even mild symptoms when they call, so that they can receive optimal treatment. “

Although most reports suggest that the risk of coronavirus transmission from an infected mother to the fetus is low, newborns of mothers with COVID-19 have CoronavirusSpecific antibody, suggesting exposure to virus in utero.

“ More data is needed to clarify and confirm this risk, but there may be reasons to worry about vertical transmission and related conditions, including birth defects, early neonatal disease, and other complications No, “Brandt said.

To reduce the risk of transmission, pregnant women must stay away from home, stay at home, and avoid rallying. If you need to leave your home, wash your hands regularly, keep your hands away from your face, and stay at least 6 feet away from people who may be ill or of unknown condition.

He states that pregnant parents need to prepare to stay home for several months and stock up on common medications including Tylenol, thermometers, and other household items such as soap, toilet paper, and laundry detergent. Was.

When possible, use delivery services instead of going to markets or other stores where groups of people may exist.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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