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Box Hill Hospital Workers Caused Outbreak in Northern Suburbs

Box Hill Hospital Workers Caused Outbreak in Northern Suburbs


Members of the household then inadvertently spread the virus to East Preston Islamic University, the Croxton Special School in North Court.

The state government has confirmed that nurses have zero cases in the northern suburbs cluster and has released a map of links between the 11 affected households. Within the household, there are 39 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 25 close contacts.

The outbreak also resulted from an infection at Regisma Cloud’s geriatric care facility in northeastern Melbourne, with two employees testing positive. Extensive testing in recent elderly housing with care has not found any further infections.

The outbreak at Box Hill Hospital was sown earlier this month after infecting two staff members who worked while the patient was infected in another ward and infecting a nurse and another patient with the virus. I did.

While Prime Minister Daniel Andrews postponed the announcement of deregulation on Sunday and health officials waited for the results of thousands of cotton swabs, details of the outbreak were revealed and a storm of criticism led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison broke out. ..

More than 5,000 test results from the northern suburbs of Melbourne have returned negative in the last 48 hours, and Andrews said the outbreaks in the northern suburbs were curtailed on Monday afternoon, making it safe for retailers and hospitality to resume on Wednesday. Declared to be.

“It was definitely worth the wait with absolute confidence to ensure that our team wielded control over these positive cases and outbreaks, and that’s exactly what these numbers are for us. “I show it to Andrews.”

“There are results from 2100 people tested yesterday, and there are hundreds more samples going through the lab throughout the day. Their commitment is that we have very few cases of COVID-19 remaining in Melbourne. It’s a huge contribution to identifying what you want. “

Yeron Weimar, commander of Victorian inspection and community involvement, said that households tested positive for COVID-19 in the northern suburbs of the city violated quarantine and visited other households to spread the virus. Said that there was evidence of inciting.

“There is absolutely evidence of contact between households after quarantine,” he said.

Since October 20, more than 15,000 cotton swabs have been collected and tested for local infection levels in five northern municipalities: Hume, Moreland, Banyur, Deabin and Nilamvik.

A family in the heart of a cluster in the northern suburbs said on Sunday that the Department of Health and Human Services allowed one of their children to leave home two days before unknowingly attending school during an infection, fifth grade. Did not give a clear warning about. Students must remain isolated.

Family members who asked not to reveal their identities for privacy reasons complained to DHHS, and the ministry disseminated confusion and misinformation about their situation and accepted responsibility for mishandling their cases. He said he refused.

Weimar challenged the family’s account on Monday and moved to defend the public health response.

“We do not accept that in this case, or in other cases, we are not clear about people’s expectations,” he said.

“I absolutely admit that there may have been a misunderstanding, but the information provided is [about isolation and quarantine] Accurate and informed. I’m not going to sit here and say it’s not clear what’s going on with the individual members of the household. “

Anyone with symptoms or confirmed close relationships is encouraged to take tests at test sites in the northern suburbs, such as schools, parks, shopping districts, and traditional health environments. I am.

A spokesman for Eastern Health, who oversees Box Hill Hospital, said the nurse was enrolled in the Hotel for Heroes program shortly after being tested positive for isolation from relatives.

“But it seems that there was an asymptomatic period of infection in this household before health care workers were tested positive for COVID-19,” a spokesman said.

“This is a highly infectious disease and we continue to focus on the health and safety of our staff and patients.”

There are currently 39 active cases associated with outbreaks, including those associated with East Preston Islamic University and Croxton College.

For the first time since June 9, no new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in Victoria from overnight to Monday, but Melbourne’s 14-day average dropped to just 3.6 new cases per day.

Staff working in the ward of Box Hill Hospital were told that they were not allowed to use the highly protected N95 mask as a precautionary measure against illness. Age clearly Early this month.

Leaked email exchanges have reserved N95 mask supplies from hospitals for those who work with patients at highest risk, and others will “buy” them to wear them. Indicates that it was not allowed.

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