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Influenza vaccinations in Sanofi, SK stopped in Singapore as the number of deaths after vaccination in South Korea increased to 59


The number of deaths after influenza vaccination continues to increase in South Korea. However, as local health officials strive to calm the citizens involved by refuting the relationship between the two, Asian peers suspend the two bullets given to those who later died. We have taken precautionary measures.

Singapore has temporarily withdrawn support for SK Bioscience’s SKY Cellflu Quadrivalent and Sanofi Pasteur’s Vaxigrip Tetra, Ministry of Health Said Sunday. Of the seven brands given to people who died in South Korea, only two are available in Singapore.

Healthcare providers can continue to use the other two flu shots sold in Singapore. Authorities said they would continue to monitor the situation and stay in touch with South Korean authorities.

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As of Monday, South Korea has died from 46 people on Saturday to at least 59 people, mainly in their 70s and 80s, after influenza vaccination. This is one of the more than 14.7 million people vaccinated this season.

According to the government, more than 1,500 elderly people died within seven days of receiving the flu vaccine last year. This is a death unrelated to vaccination. Reuters.. Elderly people and toddlers in South Korea are eligible for free vaccination under the national system.

Relation: Death rattle rattles South Korea’s seasonal flu vaccination, but authorities move forward with free planning

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDAC) said Thursday that it found no link between death and influenza vaccination and called on citizens to continue vaccination.

In a statement to Fierce Phama on Monday, a Sanofi spokesperson pointed to the KDCA investigation, noting that the authorities’ investigation confirmed that there was no link between vaccines and death.

South Korean officials are also trying to convince the public that they are increasingly worried that vaccines are safe and that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the side effects.

“Trust the health authorities’ conclusions … reached after a review with experts,” President Moon Jae-in said at a meeting, according to Reuters. “This year we need to expand influenza vaccination not only to prevent influenza, but also to prevent co-infection and spread of influenza and COVID-19.”

In addition to the usually mild side effects such as injection site reactions, influenza vaccines can cause dangerous allergic shock to some people. However, as with those who are allergic to peanuts and accidentally eat peanuts, such an allergic reaction to the vaccine occurs within minutes. No such incident has been reported in South Korea, according to Reuters.


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