Health News & Top Stories, Singapore’s little premature baby, weighing 345g at birth and on the road to recovery after 7 months
Singapore-A baby weighing only 345g, weighs a can of soft drinks, was born seven months ago and is probably the lightest baby to survive preterm birth in Singapore and is now “heavy” at 4.27kg.
A typical pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, and a term pregnancy is considered to be at least 37 weeks.
Born just 23 weeks and 6 days later, Nur Zaiya Naziha Muhammad Saufi fits in the palm of his hand and his limbs are the size of an adult’s fingers.
The smallest baby to be discharged from the National University Hospital (NUH), she was born on March 27 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when Singapore was about to plunge into a two-month circuit breaker.
Her parents, logistics officer Madame Rohanimstani, 37, and system engineer Muhammad Saufiyusov, 36, spend about two to three hours deciding whether to give birth by emergency caesarean section. It took.
Madame Rouhani initially expected to go to the hospital for help with abdominal pain and go home to rest.
“I thought it was a normal abdominal pain, but A & E said she had preeclampsia symptoms and it was so shocking that she had to give birth the next day,” she said.
Pre-eclampsia is a complication during pregnancy that is characterized by high blood pressure.
Madame Rouhani was informed that her baby had a 20% survival rate, but her parents decided to leap forward in her faith. The baby was taken to the intensive care unit immediately after delivery.
“In the meantime, it was either me or her. The doctor said my blood pressure had risen very much … I had to give birth to her as soon as possible, otherwise it It may endanger my life, “the mother said.
“20 percent is still hope. Whatever happens, it depends on fate. I’m just happy that I delivered it.”
Nur Zaiya is the couple’s fourth child. They have two daughters, 7 and 4, and a 6-year-old son.
Dr. Krishnamoorthy Niduvaje, senior consultant in the Department of Neonatal Sciences at NUH, said it is very rare for a baby to be born before the 24th week of pregnancy. There have been several people in NUH in the last few years and three have survived.
Prior to Nur Zaiya, the lightest baby born at NUH weighed 460g, which was in 2016.
One in ten babies are born between 24 and 37 weeks. One in 100 babies born weighs less than 1,500 g and requires intensive care. According to Dr. Niduvaje, these babies are usually born 32 weeks ago.
He added that one in five babies are giving birth prematurely because of pre-eclampsia.
The premature birth of a baby is more likely to cause health complications.
Nur Zaiya was given a drug in a small hole in the heart and received laser treatment for retinopathy of prematurity or ROP (an eye disease found in babies born 31 weeks ago).
So far, Nur Zaiya is doing very well, her parents said. When I was discharged 131 days later, I weighed about 2 kg. She was breathing normally, did not need additional breathing assistance, and was completely breastfed in a bottle. NUH’s nurse clinician Wang Xia, who took care of her, explained that her recovery was a feat as many premature babies were discharged with oxygen support.
From now on, she will undergo regular inspections to make sure everything is going well. She is 6 months old and has a 4 month premature birth, which is comparable to an expected 2 month old baby.
A check on the website that tracks the world’s smallest surviving babies or babies weighing less than 400g at birth shows that most of the 269 babies on the list are from Japan. I found out.
The smallest surviving baby in the world A girl with the nickname “Saybie” was born in San Diego in December 2018. In the United States. She was born in 23 weeks and 3 days and weighed only 245g. Her weight resembled a large apple and she was discharged 5 months later at 2.2 kg.
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