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Covid 19 Coronavirus: Surveys show that Covid leads youth deaths in some states in the United States


Despite US President Donald Trump claiming that his son Baron’s coronavirus infection “disappeared” after “15 minutes,” the virus is found in young people in some parts of the United States, according to a new study. It may be the main cause of death.

Researchers have found that Covid-19 is more likely to die than any other risk for people aged 25-44 who live in one of the 11 most prevalent states, including New York, Arkansas, and Arizona. It was.

Between March and July, 2,450 young people died from the coronavirus in these states. This is slightly more than adults (latest figures) who died in 2018 due to accidental drug overdose, which was previously the leading cause of death in this age group.

“In these regions, Covid-19 mortality is similar to the HIV / AIDS epidemic mortality at the top of the United States,” said a team led by Dr. Jeremy Samuel Faust of Harvard Medical School. It is stated in an unrefereed paper. At on Sunday.

Faust and his colleagues looked at data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and found that by the end of July this year, youth deaths from all causes would be one-quarter higher than at the same time. I found that. last year.

Over-deaths of 14,155 people peaked in May, but very few were directly caused by the coronavirus.

This means that “Covid-19 mortality is substantially underdetected in the young adult population.”

Mr. Trump has recently used Baron’s apparently rapid recovery from the coronavirus as an example of why school reopening is okay during rallying across the country.

President Donald Trump and his son Baron Trump on the right are waving from the top of the stairs to Air Force One at Morristown Municipal Airport. Photo / AP
President Donald Trump and his son Baron Trump on the right are waving from the top of the stairs to Air Force One at Morristown Municipal Airport. Photo / AP

“You’re a young and strong immune system, right?” Trump said at a rally in the fierce battlefield of Wisconsin on Saturday.

“Let’s go back to school. Let’s go back to school. No, that’s true. We showed positive and after 15 minutes I said,” Is he fine, Doc? He is fine. ” Trump said in the speech.

A Shanghai-based life scientist studying the Sars-CoV-2 virus said the study deepened her concerns about young people in the United States.

“It is immoral and irresponsible to infect young Americans to achieve herd immunity,” she said.

A 25-year-old man in Nevada was reported to have significantly worsened his symptoms after being infected twice with the new coronavirus, according to a study published this month in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Shanghai-based researchers said more cases of reinfection could occur, including a woman in her 30s in Wisconsin that she personally knew.

“This may be the beginning of an explosion,” said a researcher who asked her not to name her because she didn’t have the approval of the Chinese government to comment.

Without evidence, Mr. Trump argued that American doctors and hospitals were inflating data, including coronavirus-related deaths, to increase their own financial benefits.

Students arrive directly at Erasmus High School in the Flatbush district of Brooklyn, New York. Photo / AP
Students arrive directly at Erasmus High School in the Flatbush district of Brooklyn, New York. Photo / AP

“If someone has terminal cancer and is infected with Covid, I’ll report. Doctors receive more money, hospitals get more,” Trump said at a rally in Illinois on Saturday. I know I can make money, “he said.

“Their reporting system isn’t really right,” Trump added, “starting to investigate things.”

“Doctors are now angry,” Faust said in response to Trump’s allegations.

“But we are data driven and want to provide a solution,” he tweeted on Sunday.

“If we’re cooking books, why are all-cause over-deaths and official Covid-19 deaths tracked so closely over time,” he said in another tweet. ..

Older patients are hundreds of times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the younger population, according to studies by researchers around the world. Therefore, according to Faust, the burden of illness on the younger generation has received relatively little attention.

Dr. Scott Atlas, a neuroradiologist and current chief scientific adviser to the White House’s pandemic response team, said young people could be infected as long as older people continued to take protective care.

“Is it okay for young and healthy people to get infected? They have little risk of problems with this,” he said in a television interview in July.

However, a study by British researchers published this month on found that young adult patients with no previous medical history may develop long-term health problems after recovering from Covid-19. It was. Over 70% of young patients had one or more organ disorders 4 months after the initial infection.

Permanent symptoms included malaise, muscle aches, dyspnea, and headaches.

South China Morning Post


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