What is Mama Code? How Utah Mothers Play Pandemics To Keep School Open: “Stop Taking the Covid-19 Test”
In the pandemic era, we want to take precautionary measures and undergo inspections to minimize the spread. But another story came from a group of parents in Utah. They are reported to have created a written agreement called the “Mama Code” to prevent children from being tested for Covid-19. This move is to keep the school open. The rationale behind this concept is that some parents were furious that a positive test from a student could lead to school closures or cancellation of extracurricular activities. However, this code was blown up by other parents and officials who believed it could lead to the spread of the virus and endanger more lives.
“Parents say’don’t test’, so you don’t have to worry about the closure of the sports team,” Davis School District parent Geneva Procelo told KUTV. “I think it’s shameful.”
The concept of “mama code” has emerged in several parent Facebook groups in Davis County and other school districts. KUTV I reported on the content of a Facebook post that discourages students from taking the test. I’m reading a post that says, “Stop taking the test !!! 100% unnecessary”.
In another post, it says: “I personally think it’s selfish to take the test. Because of the fact that they contact all the traces, one leads to quarantine or worse, thirty. Programs such as athletics will be shut down. It’s a sic, one person contacted another person who had a snuff and ran to take the test! Stop the test. Contact Stop racing. “
Such a concept became apparent when Utah, Beehive, reportedly recorded a feared rise in Covid-19 infection rates. As the Daily Mail reported, Governor Gary Herbert warned that the incident was “the best ever” in Utah. “COVID-19 cases are record highs, and COVID depletion is just as concerned. It’s not time to relax your vigilance. So far, our hospitals have all that need it. We were able to provide adequate care to Covid and non-Covid patients, but today we are at stake. Utahan has taken serious steps to limit group gatherings and wear masks. If we don’t, our healthcare providers will not be able to provide quality care to everyone who needs it, “Herbert said.
Authorities have recorded 104,000 cases and 572 deaths from Covid-19 since the outbreak of the virus began in the state. Despite Utah facing a significant increase in the number of Covid-19 cases, the concept of a “mama code” has emerged, so here’s some light.
What is a “mama code”?
Parents in Davis County, Utah have promised not to test their children for Covid-19 in order to artificially lower the number of infections. They have a concept called the Mama Code, in which parents, especially Utah mothers, decide not to test their children. Some parents have formed a Facebook group to encourage other parents not to hit their children with “mass hysteria” around the virus, which can lead to school closures and extracurricular activities.
ABC Parents of the Davis School District on the outskirts of Salt Lake City reported talking about their Facebook group. “It’s like moms are deciding with’Hey, I’m not going to have my kids tested for COVID.'” Another parent, plagued by a dangerous concept, said, “Quarantine with a sports team. They encourage each other not to test their children, if any or in the classroom. This is a time when we really need to focus on tracking the virus so that we can stop the spread. “
The ABC reported that state health officials have stated that the number of parents currently participating in the alleged “mama code” is unknown. However, they warn that those people may be contributing to the spread of the virus. Daily mail Davis School District Schools reported that they are currently operating in a hybrid model. This includes face-to-face and distance learning and does not require the Covid-19 test for children in the district.
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