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Spouse shares much, including heart health: research


Carla Roberts Murres
Health Day Reporter

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 (HealthDay News)-Many couples and cohabitants share a lot: the same house, bills, pets, and maybe children. New studies have found that they often share the same behaviors and risk factors. Heart disease..

Researchers assessed the risk of heart disease and lifestyle behavior of approximately 5,400 US couples enrolled in an employee health program.

They used the risk factors described in Life Simple 7 of the American Heart Association: Smoking Situation, Physical activity, energy diet, Total cholesterol, Blood pressure, fasting With blood sugar Body mass index (BMI, based on body fat measurement Height and weight). They categorized participants’ results individually and as a poor, moderate, or ideal couple for each risk factor and overall.

“Fortunately, some of them are one in five. [couples]Both were ideal, but I’m really worried about the fact that 4 out of 5 were in the non-ideal category, “said Samia Mora, a research co-author who is a cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The doctor says.

Even more worrisome is that the surveyed population tended to be middle-aged. Males ranged from 41 to 57 years. Women between the ages of 39 and 55.

“We know that risk factors worsen with age and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases significantly with age, so what you do early in life is really important for the future.” Said Mora.

The couple participated in a corporate health assessment program between October 2014 and August 2015. Their health was assessed through questionnaires, exams and lab tests. The researchers also tracked approximately 2,200 of these couples through five risk assessments that lasted until 2018.

The wellness program was similar to what many companies offer to their employees. This included spouses and partners, and both data were available, Mora said. Participants came from all over the United States and represented diverse economic and racial backgrounds.

Only 12% of individuals had an ideal score Heart health, The study was found.Although more than half were in the ideal category for smoking, total cholesterol and fasting Blood sugar, More than a quarter were rated bad for BMI and proper exercise.


Studies have shown that about 79% of couples have less than ideal heart risk scores, primarily due to unhealthy diet and inadequate exercise.

Survey results were released on October 26th JAMA network open..

Janny Nielsen, an assistant professor at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in Atlanta, reviewed the findings.

She said that people often choose partners who are very similar to them, whether they have similar economic status or common interests such as movement. And when they come together, they tend to share habits, especially what they eat, Nielsen said.

Other studies have shown that the spouses of individuals who participated in the weight loss program also lost weight during that time, she said.

“Because one person is intervening, you can assume that they may change what they eat at home,” Nielsen said.

She said several factors can influence a person’s choices, such as the foods they grow up with, their financial position, and in-store marketing that can lead shoppers to a particular food choice.

“I think it’s based on how you grew up. It’s based not only on what you can afford, but also on time,” Nielsen said. “If you work, do you want to make a big meal from scratch, or do you just want to buy something that can get hot? Many factors [are] I’m playing there. “

While most health and prevention programs focus on individuals, Mora says that this study may benefit both individuals targeted for behavior modification and his or her important others. Said showed.

“The key here is that if we can expand our approach to prevention and focus on potentially large units such as homes and communities, as well as individuals, we can benefit far more. That’s it, “she said. “Because it’s difficult to change behavior, we know that a support system can really help people change their behavior.”

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