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When pubs and restaurants open after the blockade, Melvanian drinks beer at midnight


Liam Ganley had been waiting for this moment for over 100 days, but when it came, there was one overwhelming feeling. It’s a relief.

When the clock passed midnight, Melbourne restaurants and pubs were legally allowed to open their doors to customers as the blockade rules were officially relaxed.

Most people decided to wait for the sun to rise, but Ganley wanted to take the opportunity as soon as possible by installing balloons and cutting ribbons at his Pralan restaurant, Angus & Bonn. It was.

A crowd of about 20 people (internally permitted legal amount) popped champagne at midnight and were there to hold a party early Wednesday morning.

“I’ve been saying that for a week, it was an emotional roller coaster,” Ganley said.

“All we had was spending the last four months and no income.”

For some staff who couldn’t get JobKeeper or JobSeeker payments, the pandemic put them in financial trouble.

Mr Ganley said he had witnessed pooling their money to buy a bag of rice.

Weekly “important” for the hospitality industry

Liam Ganley poses for portraiture at his restaurant, Angus & Bonn
Restaurant owner Liam Ganley says the third wave of COVID-19 would be “unthinkable” after the stress faced by Victorians.(((ABC Melbourne: Christian Silva)

In the next few weeks, the restaurant will work with other nearby companies to block parts of the street and allow them to build marquees to increase their outdoor dining capacity until March. I will.

It’s a step that might save Mr. Ganley’s restaurant, but he hopes many others will struggle to stay open with the density limits set by the state government.

“Without the outdoor area and extensions, we wouldn’t be open because there are 20 people inside,” he said.

“If the case remains low, you need to increase the internal density. [Otherwise] It’s not feasible.

“It’s important every week. It’s a debt of thousands of dollars for these companies.”

Chrissie Maus, general manager of Chapel Street Precinct, said it is unlikely that more than 50% of restaurants and cafes on the strip will reopen due to density allocation.

Under the government roadmap, the patronage limit will increase from 9 November to 40 indoors and 70 outdoors.

Subsequent “COVID Normal” goals will remove customer restrictions.

After enduring the March and July shutdowns, Ganley said the third wave of COVID-19 in Victoria was “unthinkable.”

“We were waiting for the door to open.”

Young man and woman smile with a drink
Jess Gurnow and David Chapman hope that their best life in Melbourne will be back soon.(((ABC Melbourne: Christian Silva)

Jess Grunow and David Chapman were keen to ease the restrictions and took two trams from their Fitz Roy home to the restaurant.

“That’s one of the things you talk to your grandchildren,” Grunow said.

“When we got out of the blockade, we were waiting for the door to open.”

A couple who moved from Brisbane to Melbourne two years ago said several friends had decided to return to their home state during the closure.

“If we last so long, we’ll stick it out,” Chapman said.

Friends Tori Briggs and Dave Mather said they came out to support local businesses and gain “face-to-face human interaction.”

Briggs, whose goal is to have 100 bands perform in 2020, said he was looking forward to the resumption of live performances in the city.

“I’m still aiming for it. There are 62 more. It’s unlikely, but not impossible,” she said.

Customers can return to the facility at major retailers that are allowed to operate online or offer click-and-collect services.

Home visits are allowed againThe strict conditions allow friends and family to eventually get together at each other’s home.

Jim was allowed to reopen on November 9, and the government has not yet announced a target date for the indoor cinema.


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