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Bionic breakthroughs allow paralyzed people to use their thoughts to control their computers

Bionic breakthroughs allow paralyzed people to use their thoughts to control their computers


Researchers in Australia have developed a technology that enables people with upper limb paralysis to use their thoughts and eye movements to perform texts, emails, and online tasks.

The Stentrode device, the size of a small paper clip, is inserted into a blood vessel in the neck and then placed next to the motor cortex of the brain.

Then use wireless technology to connect to your computer-based operating system. This operating system controls the computer by converting brain signals into commands with the help of an eye tracker.

This technology has been successfully used by two patients with motor neuron disease (MND) by researchers at the University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital, and Flory Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health.

The Victorian man Phil O’Keefe can magnify the computer screen just by thinking, further improving his ability to control the cursor with his own thoughts.

The 60-year-old was diagnosed with MND in 2015 and had the device implanted in April this year.

“We are retraining our brains to behave differently,” he said in an interview provided by the university.

O’Keefe can perform mouse clicks by thinking of moving his left ankle, and other tasks on the screen will be performed by thinking of other actions.

In the survey results Published in Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, Researchers wrote that the intervention was the “first human experience” of that kind of technology.

“It’s working really well,” Nicholas Opy, an associate professor at the University of Melbourne, told ABC.

A man in the background holding a small device that is in focus.
Nicholas Opy says this small device gives the test patient a sense of independence.(((Provided by: University of Melbourne)

Another participant in the trial is Graham Felsted, a 75-year-old MND patient who inserted the device last August.

“He didn’t have to stand by him to take care of him or worry about him because he wanted to allow his wife to go out to the yard and go shopping.” Dr. Opie said.

“So we were able to connect him to the phone, and he can now send her a text message, and she can live her life normally, and certainly he Was able to regain some of his own independence. “

Both O’Keefe and Felstead use unsupervised technology at home in their daily lives.

Trial extended to Sydney and Brisbane

Doctor Opie is the co-head of the University Institute for Vascular Bionics and the founding chief technology officer of Synchron, the project’s commercial research partner.

The study was initially financially supported by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Australian National Council for Health Medicine Research.

Since then, it has received more than $ 1.4 million from the Australian Government and has expanded its trials to hospitals in Sydney and Brisbane.

The third patient recently had a Stentrode transplant.

Researchers want to turn this device into a commercial product that they say can significantly improve the quality of life for people with paralysis.

In the long run, they want to allow patients to control the robot’s limbs through this technology.

O’keeffe said he was still excited about how to use the technology, but was looking forward to what he could do in the future.

“I’ve always been aware that this doesn’t help me as an individual in the short term because I don’t have enough control to do what I can do with my own hands,” he said.

Researchers say more participants will be needed to draw conclusions about the device’s short-term and long-term safety profiles.

No serious adverse events were recorded as part of the study.


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