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Why is ADHD still so stigmatized?Australians with disabilities want greater awareness and support-Hack

Why is ADHD still so stigmatized?Australians with disabilities want greater awareness and support-Hack


When you think about the types of people who have ADHD, you probably don’t imagine someone like Rachel.

She is a 27-year-old business owner from Sydney and often enjoys working in local cafes.

She’s the exact opposite of the naughty stereotypes in the classroom that probably come to mind when imagining ADHD.

“I think a lot of people think it belongs to boys. They think it’s bouncing off the wall, that’s it. So I didn’t think I had it either. “Rachel said. hack..

“We are not all one picture. We are all human beings, everything is different, everything is diverse.”

Rachel was 25 years old when she was diagnosed with ADHD. The diagnosis she said was “relief” and was a complete change in her life.

“Compared to before, what really helped me the moment I was diagnosed was that I was actually taught how to control my emotions in ways that actually helped my brain.

“And people have noticed a lot about what I’ve changed. They’re awesome, like Rachel, you’re very extroverted, great, and very confident.”

Seeking greater awareness of ADHD

You may know or have met someone like Rachel who lives with ADHD (nearly 1 million Australians), New research Most Australians with ADHD have revealed that the community says they don’t know enough about what it’s like to live with a disability.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with a variety of symptoms. Some people experience “attention deficit” symptoms, some experience “hyperactivity or impulsivity” symptoms, and others experience both degrees. Many people living with ADHD are also experiencing emotional regulatory challenges.

Survey of ADHD caregivers or Australians

  • 74% said they needed more education about ADHD among patients, caregivers, doctors and educators
  • 73% said others need more education about ADHD
  • 42% say Australia needs to be more easily diagnosed or evaluated for ADHD
  • 65% said the impact of ADHD on work is a major challenge

Investigation: ADHD Australia

ADHD Australia has surveyed more than 1600 Australians who have ADHD or are caring for people with ADHD. Nearly half said they needed to be diagnosed with ADHD more easily and that people with ADHD needed more help as they moved from treating their children to adulthood.

Professor Michael Kohn, Chair of ADHD Australia, said: hack There is still a long way to go when it comes to breaking down stigmas and misconceptions about ADHD.

“There is a lot of controversy about what ADHD is and what it means to have it, but the voices of people in the community with ADHD were lacking in conversation. [In the survey they said] They wanted teachers, colleagues, and employers to understand that ADHD isn’t lazy and stupid. ”

Professor Korn wants more education and training among healthcare professionals about ADHD.

“Currently, I don’t think there is enough professional training to actually understand what GP and other types of professionals are and how they can evaluate and diagnose it.

“Having an invisible disability is an incredibly difficult journey …. Getting a diagnosis, meeting someone, and paying a pediatrician or psychiatrist to make that diagnosis is often It’s a barrier for Australians. “

Diagnose “flying under radar”

Professor Korn states that ADHD is highly underestimated and misdiagnosed, especially for young women.

For Rachel, she is diagnosed after years of hearing from her doctor that her symptoms are simply “depression and anxiety,” and from others she is “too sensitive” and “queen of drama.” After being told there is.

Taking advantage of his career as a medical journalist, Rachel sought out his own research, asked his family doctor to refer him to a specialist, and was eventually diagnosed with “textbook ADHD.”

“I feel really lucky compared to many women diagnosed in their 40s and 50s.

Rachel wants young people to know that help and treatment are available if they have or think they have ADHD.

“If you’re struggling at work, or struggling to concentrate, or if you feel it’s more than depression or anxiety, then all adults ADHD helplineBecause they have a list of psychiatrists to recommend as professionals and are finding ways to get referrals. ”

Professor Korn warned that “Dr. Google” is a “minefield” for patients who want to self-diagnose ADHD, and said treatment for ADHD should be more accessible in Australia through the public health system.


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