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Themes, facts about autoimmune diseases


Key Point

  • Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that promotes the growth cycle of skin cells
  • This year’s World Psoriasis Day event will be virtual
  • The theme of the day emphasizes the importance of information about the disease

Thursday is World Psoriasis Day. Every October 29th, it is observed to raise awareness about the disease and the millions of people who fight it.

This year’s theme is “Informed”, the Federation of International Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)Said.

“Information is an important element of empowerment recipes. I knew this when I launched the three-year campaign in 2019: Connected, Informed, United. Still, the 2020 event strengthens my commitment to the theme. I did, “IFPA said. .. “It’s never been so important to be notified.”

Due to the physical limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, this day will be virtually observed this year.

National Psoriasis Foundation (NSF) Has several virtual events that anyone can attend from anywhere in the world. This includes official online community sessions, coloring activities, and several events on Instagram.

“This global community is always attentive to each other. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will all feel a little extra friendship and unity from this year’s event in this particularly difficult year.” NPF said. “If anything positive happens from a pandemic, it’s probably a surge in the way we can virtually connect, regardless of our location on Earth.”

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that promotes the growth cycle of skin cells, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It causes thick red skin or spots of silvery scales on certain parts of the body, especially on the knees, elbows, face, back, scalp, hips, soles and palms.

According to the CDC, 10% to 20% of psoriatic patients eventually develop psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis.

Psoriasis is not an infectious disease. An autoimmune disease occurs when a person’s immune system becomes overactive and attacks normal tissues in the body.

The history of psoriasis dates back to ancient Egypt. Over the years, people with psoriasis have faced stigma and quarantine. Today, there are several advanced treatment options that help patients keep their condition under control, such as biopharmaceuticals that help manage the condition with fewer side effects.

Eating dietary supplements, maintaining a healthy diet, reducing stress, and avoiding alcohol are some of the easier ways to relieve psoriasis symptoms. Health line According to the report.

According to the NPF, more than 125 million people from around the world are affected by the disease. Some famous people like Kim Kardashian-West, Her mother Kris Jenner, singer Cyndi Lauper, and model Cara Delevingne were diagnosed with psoriasis.

World Psoriasis Day provides an opportunity for people with medical conditions to meet and share their experiences with each other and with others in the world. It not only promotes friendship and connection, but also broadens the understanding of the world community about illness.

“If one message on World Psoriasis Day comes to your mind, I hope that knowing psoriasis illnesses and treatment options will help you realize that a quality life is possible. “We do,” said NPF.

skin Photo: A typical image of human skin. Photo: pixabay


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