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According to scientists, the coronavirus may be “in a vehicle” in global food trade.


According to key scientists, the coronavirus has the potential to be “riding” around the world in the $ 1.5 trillion global food market, leading to outbreaks in wholesale markets and processing plants.

Dr. Dale Fisher, chair of the World Health Organization’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, said the virus could survive on the surface of frozen foods and packaging and infect the first workers to handle imported foods.

“It’s infecting the first person to get on the food and open the box,” Dr. Fisher told Bloomberg. “Don’t confuse supermarket shelves with infection. It really is on the market before many dilutions occur.”

Talk to TelegraphHe emphasized that he did not want to start “food horror”. He said consumers are not at risk on this route, but rather as workers in markets and processing plants.

“There is a lot of circumstantial evidence for this. Infections in the market, China has found the virus in packaging. And in countries where there have been no cases for a long time and the virus has recurred, there is no proper explanation. So at this point it is not correct to dismiss all this evidence. ” Telegraph..

Outbreaks date back to markets in China, Peru and New Zealand in recent months -Often in places where there have been no cases for some time-although there is controversy as to whether the virus is actually transmitted by contact.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says there have been no recorded cases of surface infections. However, Recently, many studies have suggested that the virus can survive on the surface for a considerable period of time under laboratory conditions... This is especially effective in cold, dark conditions, which is also important in the global food distribution industry.

Dr. Fisher’s team Announced research in August Coronavirus was found to survive up to 3 weeks in pork, chicken and salmon experiments under these conditions.

He said real-world infections are “capricious,” but research further states that “the international food market is huge and even very unlikely events are expected to occur from time to time. Let’s add. ”

Dr. Julian Tan, a consultant virologist at the Royal Clinic of Leicester, an honorary associate professor at the University of Leicester, and not involved in the study, needs to do more work on the link, which remains a “difficult question.” Said that.

“Is it possible to get infected by this route? Yes, of course,” he said.

“More generally, he said he would touch the contaminated surface and then actually touch the inside of the eyes, the nose. [and] The mouth can cause infections, but we do not believe this is the main method of spread of SARS-Cov-2.

“Frequent hand-washing messages continue to apply. Performing after touching contaminated food or packaging should mitigate this risk.”

He said workers should wash their hands for general food hygiene purposes or with gloves before and after touching the meat anyway. In Asia, warehouse workers wear masks.

“Controlling the spread of Covid-19 is not just one action. To combat this virus, all combinations of hand washing, masking, social distance, reduced contact, ventilation, etc. are required.

“This angle of potential viral infections in food and food packaging only highlights and reinforces the need for this combined approach.”

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