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Spanish coronavirus strains account for most cases in the UK – Research | World News

Spanish coronavirus strains account for most cases in the UK – Research | World News
Spanish coronavirus strains account for most cases in the UK – Research | World News


Coronavirus variants from Spanish agricultural workers are rapidly spreading throughout Europe And now, a new study suggests that it describes most UK cases.

This variant, called 20A.EU1, is known to have spread from Spanish agricultural workers to locals in June and July, after which people returned from vacation. Spain Perhaps it plays an important role in spreading tensions throughout Europe.

However, experts behind studies that have not yet been peer-reviewed in medical journals said there is currently no evidence that the strain spreads faster than other coronavirus strains. There is no suggestion that this strain will cause more serious illness or affect the action of the vaccine.

Dr. Emma Hodcroft, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Basel and lead author of the study, told the BBC Radio 4 Today Program: Move to the locals and more generally begin to travel throughout Spain.

“This happened in June and July, when travel turned around again in Europe. Of course, Spain was a great vacation destination and many went there. With the increase in cases in Spain. Coupled with the increase in vacation trips, we believe that the virus was able to travel to different countries throughout Europe, where it could spread very well. “

Tier 1 – Medium

  • The· “6 rules” Applies. In other words, socializing in groups of more than 6 people is prohibited both indoors and outdoors.
  • Merchants can enter the household for work and are not counted as part of the 6-person limit.
  • Businesses and venues can continue to operate, but pubs and restaurants should only consume food and drink while the customer is sitting. Closed from 10 pm to 5 am..
  • If ordered by phone or online, takeaway food will continue to be sold after 10 pm.
  • Schools and universities remain open.
  • The place of worship remains open, but should not be mixed in groups of 6 or more.
  • Weddings and funerals can be held with a limit on the number of people who can attend (15 and 30 people, respectively).
  • Exercise classes and organized sports can continue to be done outdoors and indoors if you follow the six rules.

Tier 2 – High

  • Socializing with people outside the home and supporting bubbles indoors is prohibited.
  • Merchants can enter the house for work.
  • Rule 6 continues to apply to socializing outdoors, such as in public spaces such as gardens, parks and beaches.
  • Businesses and venues can continue to be open, but pubs and restaurants should consume food and drink only while the customer is sitting and should be closed from 10 pm to 5 am.
  • Takeaway foods will continue to be sold after 10 pm if ordered online or by phone.
  • Schools and universities remain open.
  • The place of worship remains open, but should not be mixed in groups of 6 or more.
  • Weddings and funerals can be held with a limit on the number of people who can attend (15 and 30 people, respectively).
  • Exercise classes and organized sports can still be done outdoors, but if you can avoid mixing with people who do not live together (or share a support bubble), or youth or people with disabilities Only allowed indoors for sports.
  • Travel to facilities that are open for work and education is permitted, but it is advisable to reduce the number of trips as much as possible.

Tier 3 – very high

  • It is forbidden to interact with people who do not live together or form a support bubble at indoor, private gardens, or most outdoor hospitality venues and ticketed events.
  • Merchants can enter the house for work.
  • The 6 rules continue to apply to outdoor public spaces such as parks, beaches, public gardens and sports venues.
  • Pubs and bars are only allowed to continue to operate as restaurants. In that case, alcohol can only be served as part of a substantial meal.
  • Schools and universities remain open.
  • The place of worship remains open, but mixed households are not allowed.
  • wedding And funeral You can push the limit on the number of participants (15 and 30 respectively), but wedding receptions are not allowed.
  • The rules for exercise classes and organized sports are the same as for Tier 2. It can continue to be held outdoors, but is only allowed indoors if it is possible to avoid confusion (or share support) with people who do not live with it. And bubbles), or for youth and disabled sports. However, on Merseyside, Jim was ordered to close when he entered Tier 3.
  • Traveling out of a very high alert area or entering a very high alert area is for compassionate responsibilities or for longer journeys, except for purposes such as work, education, youth services, etc. You should avoid it unless you are traveling as part.
  • Residents of Tier 3 areas should avoid staying overnight in other parts of the UK, while people living in Tier 1 or Tier 2 areas should stay overnight in very alert areas. Should be avoided.

Photo: Peter Byrne / PA

Hodcroft said it was the movement of the people that allowed the varieties to spread, rather than the tension being particularly intense and dangerous.

“That’s definitely what we think,” she said. “We are working with the lab to investigate mutations more closely, but the key point here is the actual behavior and what we can learn from some of the failures of the travel system during the summer. I really hope that I can do it. In the future, I will not have to risk the case reoccurring the next time I resume my trip.

“I think there were actually three real mistakes here. So, first, Spain had an increasing number of cases faster than most of Europe, but still allowed people to travel there. Did.

“In addition, we didn’t do much screening of passengers at the airport. It’s possible that people didn’t follow the quarantine as expected.

“And finally, if the variant returns to another European country, those countries will not be able to cut it off immediately with just a few people, but instead have a good environment in which it can spread more widely. So I think these are all things we can work on. “

She said the strain was not the most prominent variant in all countries, especially France and Belgium. According to a survey, Wales and Scotland accounted for about 80% of cases in mid-September, compared to about 50% in Switzerland and the United Kingdom at that time.

Hodcroft said: “Sure, it’s related to the second wave, but I don’t think it’s the cause.

“It’s not much different from the varieties that circulated in the spring. I’m sure there are only six more mutations and most of them will do nothing.

“Most importantly, we don’t really think that mutations affect immunity or vaccines from someone’s infection, and there are no signs that it will change the clinical course of the disease.”


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