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Covid-19 mutation? Could the second wave in Europe be from a mutation in 20A.EU1 Spain?

Covid-19 mutation? Could the second wave in Europe be from a mutation in 20A.EU1 Spain?
Covid-19 mutation? Could the second wave in Europe be from a mutation in 20A.EU1 Spain?


Coronavirus mutants are said to be of Spanish origin and, in fact, may be the cause behind the current catastrophic second wave of Europe. Daily mail..

Could 90% of Europe be affected by the Spanish mutation?

Currently called 20A.EU1, it lags behind about 90% of the cases currently occurring in the UK since the summer, according to a team of international scientists who were tracking the virus as it spread and evolved. There are variants that are taken.

All viral mutations are stated to contain their own definitive genetic signature. This means that you can go back to where the virus originated. Experts were reportedly able to track 20A.EU1 back to a particular farm somewhere in northern Spain in June.

The virus is believed to have spread from Spain

With the famous vacationers returning at the end of the summer, it is now believed that races are taking place throughout the continent. This was a time when transmissions were reportedly settled and all blockades were reportedly relaxed.

This event wondered if the current second wave, which now forces many European countries to return to horrific national closures, could actually be avoided if airport and border screening could be improved. I will raise it. Scientists then claimed that the strain was behind about 80% of known Spanish infections and about 60% of Irish infections. It was also pointed out as the root cause of 40% of infections in both France and Switzerland.

Related article: Whistleblower Li-Meng Yan claims that there are more than 27 COVID-19 cases on December 31, 2019, according to a “fake” report in China.

Why is 20A.EU1 so deadly?

All viruses are said to mutate as they progress and spread to different populations. There are reportedly hundreds of SARS-CoV-2 types, and the virus is reported to have caused COVID-19, which is currently prevalent throughout Europe.

However, according to The Daily Mail, there are only a few of the aforementioned variants that are as well-populated and equally prevalent as the recently identified strains.

A team of scientists from Switzerland and Spain warning about 20A.EU1 hastened whether the virus is more deadly and more infectious than previous variants. I am trying to clarify and understand. .. It was said that a brand new strain could contain a specific mutation in the spike protein Sars-CoV-2 that could be used to invade human cells, making the entire process much easier. is also provided More information about 20A.EU1 And how it spread.

Related article: Whistleblower Li-Meng Yan publishes a second report containing “more scientific” evidence of how the coronavirus was produced.

This article is owned by TechTimes

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