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Science News | Malaria parasites adapt to survive the dry season and suggest research

Science News | Malaria parasites adapt to survive the dry season and suggest research


England [UK], October 30 (ANI): Recent studies have shown that the major malaria parasites have evolved and remain unnoticed in human blood flow.

This study has been published in the major journal Nature Medicine.

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Malaria remains the leading cause of death in Africa, killing hundreds of thousands of people each year, most of them children under the age of five.

A team of international researchers, including Dr. Mario Recker of the University of Exeter, studied how the parasite Plasmodium falciparum appears to be dormant in adverse situations.

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This study describes how parasites can stay in humans without observable symptoms before malaria recurs when the number of mosquitoes surges during the rainy season.

Most occur during the rainy season due to the abundance of mosquitoes that spread Plasmodium falciparum, but the long-term survival of the parasite in the human host can fill the dry period when mosquitoes are rare. The chances of infection are very low.

However, it is not well understood how parasites can remain on human hosts under continuous attack by the immune system.

In a new study, a team led by Sylvia Portugal at the University of Heidelberg in Germany tracked individuals in Mali during the dry and rainy seasons and found that by the end of the dry season, parasites exhibited different patterns of gene transcription.

This pattern is associated with reduced attachment of infected red blood cells to blood vessels, which allows infected red blood cells to be removed to low levels by the spleen.

Dr. Wrecker of the University of Exeter led the mathematical modeling part of the study, stating: “We knew that parasites prolong infection by continuously changing their appearance to the immune system.

“This study shows that parasites also employ another strategy that effectively allows them to hide in clear vision by using the spleen to keep their numbers lower than immune radar. It means that it is. “

The authors conclude that these features contribute to the maintenance of a low reservoir of Plasmodium falciparum in the body, which may avoid detection and elimination by the immune system and promote the subsequent rainy season malaria transmission cycle. It is attached. (ANI)

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from a syndicated news feed. LatestLY staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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