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The spread of Covid-19 at home is common and rapid, according to a CDC survey.

The spread of Covid-19 at home is common and rapid, according to a CDC survey.
The spread of Covid-19 at home is common and rapid, according to a CDC survey.


“Immediate isolation of people with COVID-19 can reduce domestic infections, so isolate suspected COVID-19 people, stay at home, and if possible, another bedroom. And you have to use the bathroom, “writes the CDC-led team. researcher.

In addition, the team said the entire family must always wear masks in shared spaces.

This study, which is part of an ongoing CDC-supported study, From April to September, 101 people were tracked for the first Covid-19 infection in Nashville, Tennessee and Marshfield, Wisconsin.

This scanning electron micrograph shows that SARS-CoV-2, a virus that causes Covid-19, isolated from patients in the United States emerges from the surface of cells cultured in the laboratory.

Infected people were trained to self-collect specimens (nasal swabs only or nasal swabs and saliva samples) daily for 14 days with about 191 family members. In addition, each person completed a symptom diary.

The infection was rapid: researchers found that more than half (53%) of people who lived with someone fighting Covid-19 were infected within a week. About 75% of these secondary infections occurred within 5 days of the first symptoms of the first patient.

“Substantial infections occurred, whether the first patient was an adult or a child,” the researchers said.

According to the survey, the domestic infection rate of 53% is higher than previously recorded. To date, related studies have reported infection rates of only 20% to 40%.

The CDC report shows that Covid-19 can be disseminated even in asymptomatic children

“A key finding in this study is that less than half of household members with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection reported symptoms when the infection was first detected,” the study’s authors write. ..

“Many people reported asymptomatic symptoms during a 7-day follow-up, emphasizing the potential for infection from asymptomatic secondary contact and the importance of quarantine.”

Isolate yourself or your loved ones

It can be difficult to stay isolated from other household members, especially if you are in a small space or have children at home.

“If you have an elderly person or an immunocompromised person in your house, it’s a good idea to isolate it on one side of the house so that your children and others aren’t around on a regular basis,” said the pediatrician. Said Dr. Tanya Altman. Editor-in-chief of the American Academy of Pediatrics book “Care for Babies and Toddlers: Birth by the Age of Five and Wonderful Everyday”. In a previous interview..
Coronaviruses rarely kill children, according to a CDC study, but minorities are at higher risk

“If it is the child that you have to take care of, you may have to make a decision to isolate one adult with the child,” she added. “The adult will take care of the child and the other adults will be responsible for the rest of the family.”

And, of course, all this would be very difficult for a single parent who “may be the only parent,” said Dr. Jenny Radeski, a pediatrician who is a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics. In a previous interview..

“We even know who our neighbors are and what our neighborhood’s social networks are,” said Radeski, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Michigan. “You may not be very intimate in interpersonal relationships, but because we are all together, someone may be willing to drop off a grocery store or pick up medicine.”

The rest of the family also need to practice isolation, Radeski added.

“Unfortunately, we need to keep the entire household in quarantine,” she said. “The pattern of Covid-19 epidemics suggests that populations of people living nearby are at greatest risk of infecting each other. Symptoms are minimized if the child is part of the household. But it’s still contagious. “

What you need to prepare for this season's Covid-19 surge

If you live alone, the challenge is to monitor your symptoms and take care of yourself when you feel sick. Plan to deliver food and medicine home and find someone who is effectively responsible for checking in on a regular basis.

Stock or ask your loved ones to provide your room with all relevant forms of entertainment, including TVs, computers, iPads, books, and even games that you can play on FaceTime and Skype.

Supply checklist

Don’t hesitate to order online or ask your loved ones to provide you with basic supplies:

  • An operating thermometer for monitoring fever, which is believed to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 degrees Celsius), and a method for cleaning fever such as isopropyl alcohol.
  • Antipyretics such as acetaminophen
  • Box of disposable gloves and face mask made of rubber or latex
  • 60 or 90 days supply of required prescription drugs
  • Regular soap and 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer (no antibacterial soap is needed if washed properly, so it won’t contribute to the growing antibiotic resistant super bugs in the world)
  • Tissue that covers sneezing and coughing.But you really don’t have to stock up on toilet paper-this is a respiratory illness
  • Regular cleaning supplies, kitchen cleaning gloves, trash liner
  • Disinfectant Cleaning Supplies-CDC suggests choosing from a list that meets the criteria for fighting viruses. US Environmental Protection AgencyHowever, he says, you can also create your own version with 1/3 cup of unexpired bleach per gallon of water, or 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water. Do not mix bleach with ammonia or other cleansers. Toxic gas is generated.

Cover and disinfect

If you are ill, the CDC tells you to use a face mask around others, such as when going to a doctor or hospital.

Keep it at home unless you or your loved one has “dyspnea” or “unconsciousness, incompetence, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without help” Please. CDC says..
Parents and other caregivers have been reported to be under increased stress and poor health due to the pandemic

Altman emphasized maximizing quarantine and safeguards.

“Healthy people can have sick people leave food and drink on the door and wash their hands,” explained Altman. “Wear gloves, pick up an empty dish, put it back in the kitchen, wash it with soap, preferably in the dishwasher, and wash your hands again.”

According to the CDC, do not share cups, cups, forks, or other tableware or tableware. Do not share towels or bedding with others in the house. When doing the laundry, do not shake the dirty clothes of the sick person to “minimize the possibility of the virus spreading in the air”.

According to the CDC, caregivers should wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry and throw them away after each use.

“If you use reusable gloves, they should be dedicated to cleaning and disinfecting the surface of Covid-19 and should not be used for other household purposes. Hands immediately after removing the gloves. Please clean it, “CDC advises.

According to the CDC, tissue and other paper and disposable products used by sick people should have a lined trash can, and caregivers should use gloves to remove trash bags, handle trash, and dispose of it. Please wash your hands after handling or disposing of garbage. “

And remember: if you or your loved one has any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately: increased dyspnea or sudden difficulty or shortness of breath. Persistent pain or pressure in the chest; and new confusion, signs of oxygen deficiency such as bluish lips and face, or you can’t excite a sick person.

These are important signs of danger, but this is not a complete list, said Dr. Patrice Harris, president of the American Medical Association.

“If your symptoms don’t improve or worsen, you should contact your healthcare provider, emergency department, or emergency department,” Harris said. “And if you’re short of breath, call 911 right away.”

Prevent others from getting sick

To be clear: After a positive Covid-19 diagnosis, everyone in the house should be isolated from the outside world as much as possible.

What you can learn from the deadly second wave of 1918

“Families are encouraged to find friends who can’t throw away their necessities and medicines, go to work, or play with other children, even outside,” said Radeski.

“If you don’t have a friend who can unload your groceries and essentials, make sure your local store can deliver the item for you. You can’t get Covid-19 at their store. I’m sure they will be happy with that, “she added.

If a symptom-free family thinks it is imperative to go out and go to a grocery store or pharmacy or check their family, they may be infected and what they touched. Be aware that even if you don’t have any symptoms, you can still infect the virus.

“I advise people not to do this,” Radeski said. “The way we defeat this virus is to reduce the number of times each infected person infects another person with the virus. Therefore, there is much more we can do to track down the virus, which means families do. Don’t. Give it to someone else. Don’t bring it to your workplace or local store. This will be done soon. “

To reduce the spread of the virus in the house, if the weather is nice, open windows or open doors with screens to maintain air flow in the rest of the house. You can also add an air filter to your home.

“Improving ventilation helps remove respiratory droplets from the air,” says the CDC.

You are not nuts. This is a really crazy time.There are 12 ways to deal with this

Have everyone wash their hands at every opportunity. Clean and disinfect all commonly shared surfaces. Don’t forget the fridge and microwave handles.

Keep everyone as stress-free as possible (certainly a difficult task) and focus on a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep.

There are no signs that pets can give or obtain Covid-19, but the CDC suggests keeping pets away from sick people.

“Practicing healthy habits around pets and other animals is always a good idea, as animals can spread other illnesses to people,” says the CDC. “If you need to take care of your pet or be around the animal when you are sick, wash your hands before and after interacting with your pet.”

When will the isolation of your home end?

The test was positive, but No symptoms, You can stop quarantining at home 10 days after you have a positive test. CDC says..

For those with symptoms, the CDC says you can be around others:

  • More than 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms
  • And you spent 24 hours without fever without the use of antipyretics
  • And other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving

“A limited number of seriously ill people can produce a replicative virus for more than 10 days, requiring up to 20 days of quarantine and extended precautions after the onset of symptoms. It’s possible, “says the CDC. Consider consulting with an infection control expert, officials say.

According to the CDC, loss of taste and smell can last weeks or months after recovery, but that doesn’t mean you need to stay isolated.

However, according to the CDC, the rules will change if the immune system is significantly weakened, or if Covid-19 becomes more severe, such as when you are admitted to a hospital and need oxygen.

“Your healthcare provider may recommend staying in quarantine for at least 10 days (perhaps up to 20 days) after your symptoms first appear,” says the CDC.

“People with severe immunodeficiency may need tests to determine when they can be around others. Talk to your healthcare provider for more information.”

These are horrifying times, but hopefully these tips will help ease your anxiety and help you and your family prepare for the worst, while at the same time working for the best.


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